#13 - Fire & Ice

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•~~~Cat Noir's POV~~~•

"Stay back Y/n!" I warned. Fiery Feline seemed to be angry, not sad; that could give me a hint on how to go about fighting her, maybe trying to calm her down and hat a little chat.

"Hey I'm feline a bit claustrophobic in here so I'm just gonna take off." Y/n laughed nervously. "Don't think a cat pin can get you always get you out of trouble bestie!" She hissed. Wow she really is mad!

"Hey, why don't you cool down a bit and we can talk this out?" She shook her head and clicked her fingers. Suddenly, I couldn't see anything anymore; and smelled burning! "Y/n! Y/n can you hear me!" I yelled. After about ten seconds I opened my eyes and could see again, I could see Y/n's apartment on fire! "CHATON?! KITTY?! PLEASE ANSWER!!" I heard her scream. I'd been to distracted by the blindness to listen! I used a blanket to shield me from the flames and saw Y/n backed up against a wall surrounded by the fire!

"Y/N! STAY STILL! I'M COMING!" I commanded. She looked petrified, more scared than even when she was attacked by akumatized victims! I was looking around for something to put it out with so I could get closer. "IN THE KITCHEN.......  THERE'S A MOP BUCKET...... IN THE CUPBOARD! HURRY I'M GETTING A BIT...... CLAWS-TRAPHOBIC!" She said through coughs, she's breathing in too much smoke! I grabbed the bucket but it wasn't filling quick enough! "CATACLYSM!" I destroyed the tap and water spayed everywhere. It does down the flames I'm the living room enough for me to grab my Purrrrrincess bridal style and jump out the window.

•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

Fiery Feline snapped her fingers. I couldn't see! All of a sudden I began to smell smoke so ran to the lounge, only a few seconds later to open my eyes and be surrounded by a literal ring of fire! WHAT HAD I DONE TO IRRITATE THE VILLAIN THIS TIME?!

"CAT NOIR!" I yelled over and over again trying not to breathe in any smoke. I couldn't hear a reply. "CHATON?! KITTY?! PLEASE ANSWER!!" I screeched.

"Y/N! STAY STILL! I'M COMING!" He answered. I directed him to the mop baby jet in the kitchen but that's surprisingly not how he shrunk the flames. All I heard was him call upon his power before I was in a coughing fit and was struggling to breathe. I may not really be human but I'm built to be exactly the same as one, so yes I still neeed to blooming breathe non-Smokey air! I was trying to focus so hard on catching my breath the last thing I felt before passing out was him picking me up.

"Y/n! Y/n wake up! Please!" I could hear muffled shouting. "Get off me! I need to know if she's okay!" It was Cat Noir! I was slowly waking up, I could hear what was going on but didn't have enough strength yet to talk. I felt someone pressing very hard on my chest and then what felt like someone's mouth against mine?

I finally opened my eyes and saw Ladybug kneeling next to my trying to do what looked like CPR; Cat Noir was being restrained by a paramedic trying to come over when I was still unconscious. I coughed again, wow that much coughing really hurt my chest, and went to sit up fast but was stopped halfway by how dizzy I was.

"Y/n! You scared us for a minute there!" Ladybug giggled. I smiled and Cat Noir pushed the paramedic and lifted me into his arms. "CAT! Put the damn girl down for two seconds while she wakes up!" Ladybug sounded so funny saying that but I have no clue why.

He put me down and a few paramedics came over and helped me walk to the ambulance. They checked to see if my breathing was okay; it was a little shaky but that was probably from being worked up, that's what they said anyways. They chatted with Ladybug and Cat Noir then she came over, picked me up, and swung into the alleyway where I had my first kiss.

"Y/n, are you feeling okay?" She asked in a serious tone. I nodded. "I feel fine now, apart from my anxiety flaring up back there." She nodded. "Are you feeling well enough to help me and Cat Noir? Or do I need to find someone else?" She alarmed. What was she talking about? I bet I'd be in a hell of a lot of trouble if I missed this chance. "I'm fine, what do you need me to do?" She reached into her yoyo and pulled out a beautiful silver pocket watch.

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