#10 - Wow thats a lot of stuff happening!

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•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

Oh no this isn't good! This isn't good at all! They asked me if they could come to my house to talk about Cat Noir! Not only am I in love with Cat Noir but I simply cannot take them back to Adrien's house or they'll figure it out!

I politely dismissed the idea by saying I was still moving in. They offered to help. But me being a people pleaser, yes that was one of the thoughts in mind when making me so I could please 'his greatness' I said they could come next week to help me unpack the kitchen because I was just gonna order takeout. They bought it, but seriously who has takeout for many days in a row?!

"YOU TOLD THEM WHAT?!" Hawkdaddy bellowed so loud I'm surprised that Adrien couldn't here when we were in the crypt place with his deceased wife. Mum..... sorry, Nathalie placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sir this is easy enough to fix! Just rent Y/n and apartment for when her friends are meant to go with her?" She suggested. He sighed deeply and groaned, "it can live in that apartment for as long  as it wants! I'm not putting up with a clearly broken monster!"

Wow he really got me where it hurts! Meh, I don't really care. He calls me 'it' and a 'monster' all the blooming time these days!You kinda get used to it after a while.

So about a week passed, Gabriel bought a building of these beautiful, luxurious suites. He did it as 'a helping hand in his community'. Lots of families that had been living in the streets had moved in and he gave me the keys for the penthouse suite - aka, the whole top floor!

He took lots of the stuff out of the kitchen and put it in boxes. He sent Nathalie with her miraculous to help me do this when suddenly Marinette came knocking at the door with Nino, Alya and...... Adrien? "Mr Agreste trusts you to keep an eye on his son while he's at your house. Don't disappoint him again!" She said before yeeting her glasses to transform. "Love you honey!" She said before leaping out of the window.

Well, that just happened.

•~~~Adrien's POV~~~•

When I went home after school a couple of days ago the door to my father's office was..... open? I know I shouldn't spy on him, but just this once? What he doesn't know can't hurt him!

I saw him talking to Y/n. Why is she here? He handed her some keys and Nathalie escorted her to the car? This is all very confusing. Well, it was until I saw on the news app that my father had bought a block of these fancy apartments for those who need a home! Awww how kind! Very unlike him.

He must've given Y/n one of them. I never knew where she lived, was it because she didn't have a home? Oh my goodness why didn't she tell any of us? I'm sure she would've been allowed to stay here seeing all the work she's done for the Gabriel brand!

The next evening, my father called me into his office. This is just getting stranger and stranger. "Adrien. You will be spending the evening at your friend Y/n's apartment. She has invited you and your friends over as a house-warming event." Am I dreaming? HE JUST GAVE ME PERMISSION TO GO TO A FRIEND'S PLACE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! Oh no, it's my crush's house! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!

Breathe. Keep calm. The car is waiting outside. "Take Y/n this as a gift to thank her for her work so far." He passed me a small box and an envelope. What could be in here? Never mind, I'll find out later.

When we pulled up outside I saw Nino walking in with Alya and Marinette. "Hey guys!" I yelled and caught up with them. They waved back and Marinette blushed slightly. She's so adorable when she does that!

"Hey my dude! Say, do you know which apartment Y/n's in?" Nino asked. I shook my head. "I wonder why she didn't tell us she didn't have a home? Did she?" Alya questioned. "She mustn't have had one to be eligible for one of these. But where did she stay? She should've lived with her parents from what she told us?" Marinette added. I sighed. "Y/n came to my place not too long ago and my father gave her some keys. They must be the keys to the apartment!" We all nodded in agreement.

We looked at the lockers that any mail goes in to. "Hmmm. Simpson? Xavier? Aha! L/n!" Nino read the names out. Alya shoved him out of the way. "L/n, floor 12!" We ran to the lift and there were only eleven buttons. We went as high as it would let us and at the end of the corridor we saw another lift with a lock and a doorbell with a camera installed into it. "Well, this is the place." Marinette stated. I pressed the button and the door unlocked. It opened and we pressed to go up to the penthouse suite?!

"Oh h-hi y'all! Didn't expect you arrive so soon!" She giggled nervously and we saw a few boxes in this fancy kitchen area. "Wow. This is awesome Y/n!" Nino replied. She smiled and thanked him, explaining that she had been given the suite as a perk of modelling with me. "That reminds me! Father wanted you to have this as a thank you for the work you've done so far!" So far. Then it hit me. I'd be working with her again! YES! She opened the box and there was a beautiful silver necklace in it. The charm was a beautiful aquamarine star. I placed it delicately around her neck and she tightly shut her eyes for a few moments.

"Y/n? Are you okay?!" I whisper-yelled. She rapidly shook her head and opened her eyes to meet mine. "Umm... yeah! Sorry, felt a little dizzy for a second!" She laughed. The other three went into the living area to set up a movie while I sat on the kitchen floor with her for a few minutes. She went to get up and I held her down. "Y/n, people don't just have dizzy spells like that for no reason. Are you sure you're okay?"

•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

"Y/n, people don't just have dizzy spells like that for no reason. Are you sure you're okay?" I wish I could tell him why I did that.

I never knew where Mayura had put my amok. The very life-force that controlled my life, and potentially my death. Why had Gabriel given me the object containing it? The reason I wasn't allowed to know was because he was afraid of what I would do without an 'owner'. I'm not a damn kwami you know sir!

I guess being reunited with the amok kinda made me a bit woozy....

I was still looking into his eyes, him awaiting my answer. "Yeah I told you I'm fine! You're just overreacting!" I chuckled. He shook his head and helped me up. "Okay, but if that happens again you're gonna see a doctor. Or anyone who can help you!" He's so sweet isn't  he? Sometimes I just wanna granny-cheek him! Is that weird? Nah!

He went to the others as I read the note in the envelope:

I have given you that necklace because your amok is contained in the aquamarine. It belonged to my wife, Emilie. It has been passed down in her family as the Graham de Vanily heirloom necklace. The youngest female in a generation is entrusted to keep it safe. We vowed to give it to our daughter if ever we were to have one, Adrien having it would break the traditions. I'm sure that if you ever knew Emilie she would have loved for you to have it, that is why I thought it was the perfect place for your amok. I am trusting you with your freedom to get the miraculous so I can bring her back, then you can be a part of a real family! Don't mess this up or I will have no choice but to end your misery that is your life.

I hate him. I really hate him. But it was decent of him to give me the necklace I guess.

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