#16 - Losing control

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•~~~Bunny Blanc's POV~~~•

I'd gone back to a couple of months ago, when I first came to school. To be honest, I was jealous of Uso being around Adrien. I don't know why, he isn't even my boyfriend, but I just.... am. I don't even know Adrien that well! Nor Cat Noir when I think about it, and neither of them know me? WHY DID I SAY YES TO THAT KITTY?!

Am I a bad person? They're both only seeing what I want them to see! They're not seeing me for the untruthful, monster I am.

Just thinking about that makes my eyes water, I don't wanna be a senti-monster anymore! But like I have a choice, I was born into evil and the only way to get out of it is when someone I can really trust has my amok. But for Mon Chaton to have my amok he would have to find out! Why is this so complicated?! I'm a villainous freak and that's what I'm destined to be, forever.

"Bunny Blanc?" I heard a female voice say calmly as a hand was on my shoulder. It was Ladybug. "Blanc, are you okay?" She asked, I shook my head completely breaking down. I could see tears in her eyes too, we hugged each other. Cat came over and Ladybug pushed him away, "Let girls have their moments." I said and he rolled his eyes dramatically. Maybe it's best he didn't join our warm embrace!

We were just sat there for a few minutes, holding onto each other with a feeling of understanding. She was clearly upset too. When we stopped we both wiped our eyes and just sat together, she rested her head on my shoulder and we enjoyed each other's company. No words were needed in situations like this, just a friend.

"I'm sorry." I said barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry I still have the watch, I shouldn't have listened to him. I should've followed you and given it back, I'm a....... M-m-monster....." she looked at me in horror. "Of course you're not a monster! You only did what you were told, I don't blame you! To be honest, I wouldn't mind having a new member on our team. I think that you're good enough to stay permanently, if you're willing to that is." We we're looking into each others' eyes. She wants me to permanently be on her team?! I smiled and nodded. She stood up and looked back at where Cat was, but he'd gone? She held her hand out to me, I hesitated before letting her help me up. She called him and we saw him on another building.

"Oh are you two finally done! What are you playing at Ladybug? Trying to steal my girlfriend?!" He hissed. My mouth dropped, I went up to him and rang his bell. "Of course not idiot!" I yelled, he giggled and I opened the time portal. "Woah, it's a hell of a lot bigger on the inside!" He said. Didn't he have to come through the burrow to get there? Never mind.

We went back to the present and Ladybug smiled at me, she put her arm around me and introduced me to Cat Noir? "Cat, I assume you know Bunny Blanc! She's our new teammate and will be the third piece to our puzzle!" His eyes lit up, he lifted me in the air and spun me around. "Y- BUNNY BLANC!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! WE DID IT!!" He screamed continuing to spin me around. "Umm Kitty? Your k-k-kinda making me dizzy." He laughed and put me down, I balanced on the two to keep my balance and he apologised.

•~~~Adrien's POV~~~•

The next day Y/n was back in school, I obviously knew where she was but now she has to explain herself in front of everyone! Uso started messaging me causing my pocket to vibrate, and this time I could tell it wasn't Plagg burping from swallowing a piece of Camembert whole.

I wont go into too much detail because it was so infuriating, she basically said something along the lines of: 'I bet she ran away because she was too much of an embarrassed brat to come and face me because I probably made her jealous with how awesome I am! She's just an idiot who simply can't accept that she won't always be the centre of attention!

It was so horrible of her! Y/n already looked nervous but when she saw us on opposite sides of the class not listening I could hear her start stuttering and getting worked up. I looked over at Uso who was giving her dirty looks and thumbs down. I looked back at Y/n who was sweating and freaking out, I smiled at her and she shut her eyes and walked out of class.

Bunny Noir {A ChatNoirxReader fanfic}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن