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•~~~Y/n's POV~~~•

Adrien came out of the bathroom. But he was in the exact same outfit he was when he went in? He took so long he may as well of washed his hair but it was perfect! I didn't hear a hair dryer! I heard him talking I think. Was he singing in the shower? Meh who doesn't?

"So, what do you want to do while we wait? We may have to wait a while?" I said. He nodded and mumbled, "A little while....." before actually talking properly and saying, "Why don't we study? We do have a quiz tomorrow in class don't we?" I nodded and took a notebook out of my bag. It was navy blue and black with my zodiac sign on the front. My name was bedazzled underneath it in rose gold glitter. It had all of our notes that we took in class contained neatly within the pages. I had post-it notes with key points from the lesson too!

"Wow. You really came prepared didn't you?" He said staring at me confused. I giggled. "Of course! We came straight from school and I always have my special notebook with me. My parents like me knowing everything that I have going on and scoring high on tests, that's why I have a monthly schedule in the front! See?" I showed him. He grabbed the book and looked at 8 pages of notes I took from history class. He went to the very back and I closed it on his hand. "Why'd you do that? Is there something there?" He questioned. I nodded. He doesn't know what topic I secretly collect information on and hopefully never will.

Time flies when you're having fun! Nathalie (Mr Agreste's assistant) came in to collect us for the photoshoot. It was being held at the park near school so it wasn't that far to drive. As we got in the car I sat in the back with Adrien while Nathalie sat down in the passenger seat with a tablet. The Gorilla, thats what Adrien calls his bodyguard, sat down shortly after and away we went! About halfway there Mr Agreste's face popped up on a screen in front of me. "So, you're Miss L/n correct?" I nodded. He smirked and popped up onto Adrien's screen. "Make sure you don't run off in the middle of your session again Adrien! It makes you, me and my brand look bad!" He said sternly. He came back to my screen. He wished me a successful first shoot. "Mr Agreste, not to be rude but can you please just call me Y/n?" I suggested nervously. The corners of his lips rose to a straight face. "Of course Y/n." He disappeared off all the screens in the vehicle. "That's the closest I've seen him to smiling in months!" Adrien exclaimed. We both started laughing and joking with each other.

The photographer's name is Vincent. He seemed friendly, but he was really bossy. Adrien blushes many times when we posed together, mostly when he had to hold me as if he were going to kiss me! Thankfully he didn't, I was very worried he would there for a second. No offence to Adrien, he's a really nice guy! It's just, I'm not into dudes who seem like perfect princes. I'd rather have someone who was funny, and not afraid to be himself around me.

I don't like it when somebody treats me like a pink pretty princess! I want someone who respects me as an equal. Who doesn't see me as a damsel in distress. I wonder if I will ever find love, maybe it's just not for me. I'm happy to be just a friend to anyone right now. I'm a confident young woman and I'm happy as I am, mostly.....

•~~~Marinette's POV~~~•

I'm currently studying with Alya for our pop quiz we have tomorrow. We've been at it for a few hours and I think we're pretty prepared. The kwamis have definitely helped us! I don't know if some of them understand why they have to repeat questions but, don't tell them I said this, it's kinda funny watching them ask it confused to the reasoning. Alya explained it very well though and they finally got the point in the end.

At about seven my dad brought us some food, we told him we'll eat while we study so I could show Alya some decoded parts of the grimoire. Suddenly, Nino started calling and texting Alya non-stop. She came back to where we were sat and sighed. "Girl, you may wanna look at Adrien's feed....." she said laughing nervously. I did so and was horrified by what I saw!

Y/n. Adrien. About to kiss?! They've only just met! I know that because they had no clue who each other were when she fell down the stairs. "C'mon girl you don't know if they do like each other like........ that. Hey look on the bright side! This photo looks like it's been taken with a camera better than any ordinary phone camera! Y/n was probably doing a photoshoot with him!" Deep down I knew Alya was right.

Although, she was wearing her normal clothes? Maybe she wears Gabriel branded clothes? I'm not sure but I'm definitely keeping my eye on her. I won't let someone as pretty as her get a chance at Adrien!

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