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Toni's outfit:

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WARNING: THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER!!! If you see "⚠️⚠️" that means the smut is starting and if you dont want to read it, you can skip until you see "⚠️⚠️" again.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Malia, Toni and Lydia walk into the hospital morgue and Toni instantly walked over and opens the cubby that contains Halwyn's body in a black body bag. She glanced at Malia and Lydia before unzipping the bag. He looks just as he did when he was shot and killed by Monroe. A large bullet wound is in the center of his head, and his chest is covered in claw gashes from his battle with Liam.

"Well, it's still here. Still dead. What else were we supposed to do?" Malia asked and Lydia sighed, "Figure out how a Hellhound led me into the woods to find another faceless body while being technically dead." Lydia said and Toni raised her eyebrows.

"Technically?" She asked and Lydia nodded, "I don't think I would have been led out there if he was fully dead." Lydia said and Malia made a face as she glanced down at the body. "I don't think we should be hanging out here waiting for him to spring back to life." She said.

"We don't have to wait if we can figure out how he was able to reach me." Lydia said and Malia raised an eyebrow, "How do we do that?" She asked and Lydia looked down at him and shrugged slightly, "We're just going to have to ask him."

Lydia lays still on a steel autopsy table with her eyes closed and her hands folded over her abdomen. Her head is inches away from Halwyn's in his autopsy cubby. After a moment, Malia, who was crouched down next to the table, peeks her head up by Lydia and Halwyn's heads.

"Anything yet?" She asked making Lydia's eyes fly open, and she rolls them irritably before she responds in a terse tone of voice, "As opposed to when you asked three minutes ago? No." She said before groaning and standing to her feet.

"Ugh. It's not working." Lydia said, "Maybe you should touch him?" Malia suggested and Lydia scoffed and rolls her eyes again, "That's ridiculous. There's no way-" She started to say but Malia grabs her hand and plants it on Halwyn's arm making Toni cringe slightly before standing up from where she sat on a stool.

"Anything?" Malia asked Lydia made a face, clearly not happy about touching a corpse, "Nothing." She said. Malia grabs Lydia's hand and places it on Halwyn's clawed-up chest, "What about now?" She asked. Lydia makes a noise of disgust, clearly grossed out, and rolls her neck as Malia holds her hand down, "Nope."

Malia takes Lydia's hand and places it on Halwyn's chin this time, much to Lydia's exasperation, "Now?" She asked as Toni chuckled when Lydia gave her a look. Lydia, who has clearly had enough, yanks her hand away from Halwyn and Malia and gives her a look, "Okay, stop."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐓 ➢ ꜱᴄᴏᴛᴛ ᴍᴄᴄᴀʟʟWhere stories live. Discover now