Kissed by Revelation

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Warnings: Smut and Fluff

June 18th, 1997

"Why are you sorry? You hated my father."


One year had passed, one entire year. What was one year compared to twelve? Maybe the knowledge that he wasn't ever going to escape the veil-like he did Azkaban. Hecate hated Godric's Hallow, she completely avoided the Potter's house and only looked at their graves long enough to put a single flower on each. Hecate plopped herself down on her father's grave., which of course was right next to Uncle James'. With her mom it was different, she knew there was a body in that grave. She sat for a long time just staring at the gravestone. She had sent out an owl to have it set up, as she was still in Hogwarts when he passed.

Sirius Black

November 3rd, 1959 – June 18th, 1996

Loving Father, Godfather, & Partner

"You think the dead we loved ever truly leave us?"

It was short, sweet, and to the point. She had Harry help her with what to write for a quote. One of her father's own quotes of course seemed to suit it best. She didn't know what to talk to him about, as it had only been a year. Of course, she had a lot to say, but yelling angrily at an empty grave wasn't a good idea. She was so angry with him. He promised.

"I just want to be able to go out for a stroll... A dog needs fresh air."

"Harry, Remus, and I just got you back. Don't be trying to leave us again."

"I won't. I'm not going anywhere for a long time."



The bastard. Being upset with him was the only thing she had left. It wasn't like she could talk to Remus, he was really bad at coping, diving headfirst into the werewolves' dens on 'order missions'. She couldn't talk to Severus because well, that one is self-explanatory. She couldn't talk to Harry... because well, he didn't want to. She sat for a few more minutes before picking herself up onto her feet, conjuring a beautiful red and gold wreath and placing it on his grave. Then, she disapparated.


Hecate found herself on the outskirts of the school. She stared at the magnificent castle. She remembered being eleven and coming to the school as a student for the first time. The nerve-wracking feeling, a feeling that became worse as she was sorted into Slytherin. It took a long time to get over it. She took a deep breath and began to trudge her way to the bigger gate that was locked, for the safety of the school. She pulled out her wand and cast a Patronus towards the school. A dog burst from the end of the tip of her wand, circled her playfully a few times, and bound forward towards the school. She waited patiently for someone to let her in, soon after a figure began walking towards the gate. It was already dark out, and she couldn't quite make out the figure in the dark.

A familiar face came into view shortly after their descent to the gate. "You're late. Did you forget we had a staff meeting?" A wave of his wand took off the charms to the gate, allowing them to swing open. "Must've slipped my mind."


The teachers sat patiently waiting for Severus to return with Hecate. Once again, the meeting was delayed due to her lateness. She didn't understand why Dumbledore couldn't start without her. It wasn't like anything new was going on, and that Severus couldn't just fill her in later.

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