Returning Before the Train

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August 19th, 1996

"I didn't want to talk to you at all."


Snape's last letter made her angry, this time she tore up the letter before tossing it in the fireplace. Not that it had accomplished anything, besides grief from Remus about being secretive. How dare he think he could decide that she was to hear him out. She spent the next two weeks not thinking about it and avoiding Remus' Snape conversations, by spending time with the twins in their shop.

She had told them she had been successful in her endeavor, although the twins tried to hide their looks of disgust, it was very hard for them to do so. She understood, of course, so she just didn't look at their faces. She also told them about the letters he sent. Of course, they were confused, she had been in Snape's house, Slytherin, he knew that telling her directly to do anything would just backfire. Times were different now, she had to set an example, she kept reminding herself.

So here she sat, dark green heals, a dark green dress with black lace that had long sleeves and reached down to her toes, a black cloak, a Sirius Star choker necklace, and a silver snake ring, the latter two keeping some of her originality with her. Her arms were crossed against her chest. She avoided the dungeons completely, got to the school earlier than the meeting, and went straight up to the back room, behind the Great Hall where the meeting was being held.

Dumbledore and McGonagall sat in the room with her, glancing at each other and then back at her, small smirks on their faces. McGonagall spoke first, "I told him not to tell you that Dumbledore assigned him to be your mentor". McGonagall was holding back her laughter, the two of them knew that Hecate would still be defiant, even as a teacher. Hecate shook her head at both. "Neither one of you are funny", Hecate mumbled, although a smile started forming on her face.

There were only 15 minutes before the meeting now. The door opened behind Hecate. "Sir, Miss. Black did not show ---", he paused talking seeing a mane a black hair in front of him, "—Up", he finished his sentence, and Hecate could feel his eyes boring a hole in the back of her head.

Hecate turned around and flashed a smile at Severus. "Oh, you wanted to meet up before the meeting. I didn't know", her eyes turned into innocent puppy dog eyes, feigning ignorance. Severus' eyes glanced over McGonagall's and Dumbledore's faces, they both still trying to hide their giggles. Snape pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. He walked around the left side of the scattered chairs and sat on Hecate's left side. "Afterwards then", Severus said matter-of-factly. "Anything you say Severus", she slowly rolled his name off her tongue. He gave her his normal look of annoyance, that he reserves for the children he teaches.

"Hey, that's the Snape I know!" Hecate let out in exclamation, clapping Severus on the back, causing McGonagall and Dumbledore to let go of their fits of giggles.


The meeting went by relatively quickly, Dumbledore announced the new teachers, Horace Slughorn as the new Potion's Master, Severus as the new D.A.D.A teacher, and Hecate as a teaching assistant. He also mentioned the new rules in place, due to the war, teachers would be checking people as they came in, anything from Weasley Wizarding Wheezes, which caused all the Professors to shoot a look at Hecate, who was smiling guiltily.

At the end of the meeting, everyone got up and left, including Dumbledore and McGonagall this time, leaving Severus and Hecate alone. Hecate stood from her chair, and without sparing a glance at Severus walked to the door. Her hand touched the handle, turned it, and opened it, only for it to slam shut. She glanced up the door, to find what had shut it. A hand placed firmly on the door, she turned around, her back on the door, and smiled up at the person it belonged to.

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