Secret of the Kissing Man

639 13 1

September 9th, 1996

"...Suspenders?", she questioned, a small grin on her face.


A whole week of classes passed before she knew it. She had spent the week sleeping in her own room, much to the chagrin of Severus. She didn't mind the having sex part, or the being together part, but this was still all new to her. A few dates with Oliver Wood, the previous year wasn't a whole lot of experience. It never became anything more than that, it wasn't a relationship, they didn't even kiss at the end of the night. Either way, from what the girls in the Slytherin common room said, clinging to someone who wasn't your official 'person', was wrong.

Hecate laid in bed, on her back tangled up in the covers. Her hand reached for her watch on the table next to her, patting it a few times before finding it. Six A.M. She groaned and sat herself up, flinging her legs over the edge. Long gone were the days she could sleep until 5 minutes before her class, now she was going to bed later and getting up earlier. She pushed herself up from the bed, pulled her red button-up nightshirt down, and padded out to her kitchenette area. She filled the kettle with water and put it on the flame, before moving to her couch and flinging herself onto it. She thought about writing letters to George and Fred, maybe later when she was in the mood. What would she say to them? School sucks, work sucks, blah, blah, blah.

As the kettle started whistling, someone knocked on the door. A loud groan escaped her lips as she continued walking over to the kettle she yelled, "Come in!". She didn't spare a glance at the door as she reached for a cup, flung a tea bag in it, and poured the water over the top of it. She stared into the cup as steps approached her from behind. A pair of arms wrapped around her, and a pair of lips grazed her cheek.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

Hecate rolled her eyes, and gently pushed back to be able to turn around and face him. "I haven't been avoiding you. I just don't need to be shoved up your rear end". She reached back and grabbed her teacup, and brought it to her lips, not breaking eye contact with Severus. He took a step back away from her. Hecate gulped down the hot liquid, and put her glass in the sink, not bothering to clean it. She walked back over to the couch, and once again flung herself onto it, laying down on her back, and closing her eyes, resting one of her forearms on her head.

She heard his steps again, moving over to her. The couch sunk under his weight. He must be hovering over her; she could feel his breath on her face. She opened her eyes and was shown she was correct. His dark eyes investigated hers, his face almost close enough to put his face out of focus.


Severus didn't speak right away, just stared into her eyes. She placed a hand on his chest and pushed him up, breaking eye contact. She sat up quickly. "Stop doing that!" She put her head in her hands, resting her elbows on her knees. He muttered a 'Sorry', before standing up. She rubbed her eyes and looked at him. She stood up as well to look at him.

"I should be the one who is sorry. I've heard a lot of girls say they shouldn't cling to those who don't belong to them. I didn't want to get hurt if you wanted to see other people and I had got too far along".

A blank look crossed his face before he erupted with laughter. Hecate looked at him confused; a laughing Severus Snape was not something she had seen before. "Are you really laughing at me?" She crossed her arms across her chest. A few seconds went by before he stopped, and when he did, he pulled her arms down from their position across her chest and pulled her close.

"When have you ever seen me with anyone?" he questioned her.

Hecate shrugged, "Never, I guess. You've always been private about your life". Severus planted a kiss on her lips, hard and needy, pushing her back towards the couch. Her knees hit the back and she sat down, breaking this kiss. He had a knee on the couch next to her and both hands on the back of the couch, towering over her.

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