Degree of Fancy

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December 15th, 1996

"He's Snape, no more problems than normal"


Hecate never allowed a lot to phase her on the outside. She held a lot in, it was just better this way. So, not speaking to Snape (yes, they were once again on the last name basis), didn't really show on the outside how much it bothered her. She felt a connection when she talked with him, she had gotten used to being connected to him mentally and physically.

She had pushed her thoughts aside as she sat through another staff meeting. Dumbledore leading it as normal, the professors watching him with almost boring faces. It was over as soon as it began, with a hand wave Dumbledore dismissed the professors.

Hecate stood from her chair and moved quickly over to Slughorn. It was her turn to do rounds tonight with Snape, but she needed to have the night off to go into Hogsmeade. "Horace!", she called out, causing him to stop and turn to her with a smile on his face. "Yes, my dear?" he answered sweetly. She had seen Snape look at her from behind Horace out of the corner of her eye but pretended she didn't. He was standing listening to a conversation between Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Is there any way you can do my rounds tonight? I'm supposed to be meeting up with a friend in Hogsmeade. I can do yours on your next night". Horace waved his hands, dismissing her offer. "Miss. Black, I have no issue doing your rounds tonight, don't worry about doing mine. Just make sure you come to the Christmas party I am having on the twentieth". Of course, the slug club Christmas party. "I can do that", she nodded quickly, with a smile on her face. "Thank you, Horace, I do appreciate it. She moved away from him and past Snape. She would pretend that she didn't see the glower in his eyes.


Hecate had run straight to her room to change. She opted for a black pair of jeans, a tank top, a knitted sweater Ma had made her, and winter boots. Simply and easy. She flipped her hair over, and ruffled it a bit, as much as she could without making it frizzy.

She checked the time, six-thirty p.m., and walked over to her door to leave. She pulled it open and walked out, not seeing the man in front of the door with his hand raised.

Hecate let out an 'oof' before taking a step back to see who was in front of her. Snape. An eye roll took over her face before she could stop it. "Yes?" she asked, now irritated. Snape stood back from her, "It is our night to patrol, is it not?" Hecate shook her head, pushing him slightly back to close the door. "No, it is not. Horace will be your second tonight. I have a date". She knew he had heard the conversation; she was unsure why he was here asking her nonsense questions.

"Date?" he questioned; an eyebrow raised at her. Hecate looked at him before walking past him down the hall, not bothering to answer his question. She could hear Severus behind her, catching up quickly with his long strides. "Are you not going to answer me, Miss. Black?" Hecate let out a frustrated grunt, throwing her hands in the air and turning on heel to look at him.

"We've already had this conversation. We – "she waved her finger, pointing to the two of them, "—are not together". She glared at him, "You don't get to ask me what I do in my spare time. We haven't talked, I'd wish to keep it like that". She turned around once more, practically jogging away this time.


Hecate stood at the pole in front of The Three Broomsticks, leaning against it. She fiddled with her fingers as she waited.

"Tee?" A voice rang out to the left of her. Hecate turned to look for the voice, walking over towards it, and wrapping her arms around the boy's shoulders. "Hey, Adrian". Adrian Pucey. He was in the same year as Hecate at school and one of the only Slytherins she liked. With the twins being her bests friends as well, it made things a little difficult. The twins were on the Gryffindor team, Adrian (and Hecate second and third year) were on the Slytherin team. They were also both Slytherin prefects in their fifth years, and he stuck by her side when her father escaped Azkaban.

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