The Reality of Romance pt. 2

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March 1st, 1997

"I need to distract myself from my problems."


Hecate had barely gotten Severus back into the room and shut the door before it swung open again. Stopping in her tracks Hecate turned on her heel to glare at the intruder. It was McGonagall. "Where have you been?" Hecate gave her a confused look; she had cleared the leave with Dumbledore the day before. "Diagon Alley, then The Burrow. I cleared it with Dumbledore yesterday. Why?" McGonagall took a deep breath, "Ron's been poisoned." Hecate's heart dropped, she released Severus' arm that she didn't realize she had still been holding. "Where is he?"

"Hospital wing."

Hecate bolted out the door without a second glance at either of them.


When Hecate got to the hospital wing, Dumbledore, Slughorn, Poppy, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny were near the bed Ron was laying it. She caught her breath and walked in as a calm cool and collected professional should be. McGonagall and Severus followed shortly after. Hecate moved close to Harry, who had wrapped his pinky around hers. Something they had started after her father had died. Hecate didn't really like big shows of affection, she dealt with it when it came down to it, but Harry was the only one who respected it.

"What happened?" she whispered to him.

"Romilda Vane gave me chocolate cauldrons filled with a love potion. Ron ate them. I brought him to Slughorn for the antidote, afterward, Slughorn gave all of us mead, it was poisoned. Ron took a drink first." Hecate looked at Harry, confused. "He didn't know it was poisoned." Harry quickly clarified. The door burst open causing everyone to look at the door. Hecate barely heard the girl talking, opting to ignore her, but knew who it was as 'Won Won' caught her. An eye roll and a sigh followed.

She watched as Hermione and Lavender bickered over Ron, prompted Lavender to storm out after Ron barely and almost inaudibly whispered 'Hermione'. Hecate tried hiding her giggles behind Harry, using him as a shield. "Hecate you are a teacher, that is unprofessional," McGonagall spoke to her, a slight smirk appearing across her lips. "Alright, let's give Mr. Weasley some space. Everyone can visit tomorrow." Harry detached his finger from Hecate's, moving over to Hermione and Ginny to walk with them upstairs.

"Miss Black. May I see you in my office." Dumbledore spoke quietly, before leaving the room. Hecate followed Dumbledore confused.


Once Hecate was in Dumbledore's office she sat at his desk, he sat on the opposite side. "So, I wanted to talk about our arrangement. How is everything going?" Hecate looked at Dumbledore with a much more confused look on her face. "What do you mean? You just asked me to follow him if he were to leave the school." Dumbledore gave her a small smile, "How do you plan on doing that if he decides to be officially done with you?" It clicked in her head. It wasn't just an Order Mission to follow him if he leaves, Dumbledore fully expected her to keep her relationship with him.

"So, what you're saying, is that, if I wanted to be done with him and not pursue the relationship longer, I would have to because I told you yes." Dumbledore nodded at her. "Unfortunately. Did you plan on stopping your relationship?" Hecate shook her head, "No, but it kind of sucks knowing I don't have the choice if I wanted to." There was a period of silence between the two. "I'm willing to follow orders Dumbledore. Don't worry." She stood up from the chair, and one last look at Dumbledore who nodded at her, satisfied with her answer, and she turned and left.


Hecate went back to the Professor's quarters, this time going to her own. She opened the door to have Minnie climb up her leg, her chest and curled herself around the back of Hecate's neck. "Hi Minnie." Hecate reached up and scratch the cat on the back. She began to walk to her kitchenette; she was hungry now that her focus was off everything else. A knock on her door came next. "Come in," she yelled, pulling things out of her cupboard. Minnie jumped off her shoulder, scurrying towards the opening door.

"Easy with the claws, Minnie."

Hecate glanced behind her to watch Minnie climbing herself up Severus, nestling onto one of his arms, which he had brought to his chest to cradle the cat. Hecate turned her face away from him to hide a small smile. Footsteps came up behind her, the arm not occupied with Minnie wrapping around her waist. "I thought you weren't hungry." He planted a kiss on her cheek. "I was being dramatic." Severus unwrapped his arm around her and moved to lean against the counter, absentmindedly stroking Minnie on his arm. "Everything okay?"

Of course, he was going to keep pressing the issue. She shook her head, "Lee and Ma practically called me a whore. I'm upset with Remus, Fred, and George. And to top it off, Ron is now poisoned. Healing, whatever." She could almost hear Severus furrow his brow. "I doubt they called you a whore." That was his best attempt at trying to help the situation. She put down the box that she was pretending to look at and turned to Severus leaning her hip on the counter. "Lee told me that the reason I didn't want to date in school was that I was too busy being bent over the desk by my professor." Severus' eyes widened, but Hecate continued. "And when I said something to Ma, she told me that Lee had every right to be upset with me because I made my bed."

They sat in silence for a few moments, Severus now focusing his eyes on Minnie who was purring and nuzzling her head into his hand. "At least I was right about the cat thing." Severus glanced up at her. "Cat thing?" Hecate rolled her eyes, "Ma made a snarky comment about if I could bring Minnie here with my now 'busy' schedule. I told her you didn't mind cats." A faint smirk fell across Severus' face. "Only two cats. Both named Minnie." Hecate moved closer to Severus, stood on tiptoe, and planted a small kiss on his lips. "Want some food?"


Hecate began cutting and chopping the ingredients she had pulled out and haphazardly throwing them into a pot. Severus backed away from her slightly. "Are you sure you want to cook? I can get the –" A glare came towards him, stopping him from speaking.

"I need to distract myself from my problems."

The sound of paws hitting the floor as Minnie jumped from Severus' arm was the only noise that followed. A warmth crept along Hecate's back as Severus placed himself behind her. He reached forward and turned off the burner. Hecate turned around looking up at Severus, "Yes?" Severus leaned down a placed a kiss on her lips. "I figured I could distract you."

Severus reached down, hiked up her dress, and placed his hands under her thighs, gripping them and lifting her up. Instinctively, Hecate wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Pressing her lips to his in a deep kiss. He moved her to an empty space on the counter and placed her down. Detaching his lips from hers he moved to her neck, planting multiple kisses from the bottom of her ear to her collarbone. His tongue darted out and licked a strip across her collarbone.

"Severus, I need you so bad."

Severus stopped and looked at her. Confusion brushed across her face. "What?" He moved back slightly from her. "I'm going to ask the house elves to bring food." He turned to walk away from her. Hecate dropped down from the counter and moved quickly to grab his arm, stopping him. "What was that? Why did you stop?"

"I was taking advantage of you in a vulnerable state. You need food and to talk, not to ignore your problems and get fucked until you fall asleep."

Hecate furrowed her brow and crossed her arms. "I don't care if that's what I need, I want you, deep inside of me, allowing me to ignore my problems." Severus sighed and moved closer to kiss her forehead. "Food, then we talk, then if you're a good girl, I'll fuck you until you fall asleep."


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