When The Ball Drops

504 11 0

November 2nd, 1996

"Your theories are dumb Remus".


Hogsmeade was bustling with students and people. The air was crisp, as the temperature was dropping steadily as the colder months were approaching. There wasn't any snow yet, but it felt like it could start any minute. Hecate wore a simple green long sleeve shirt and a grey skirt. She also had a dark grey wool cloak, black over-the-knee boots, and hand warmers that Molly had knitted her. She had walked down to Hogsmeade with the teachers, watching the children walk ahead of her. This felt weird to her, as just last year she was one of those children. McGonagall, Sprout, Snape, and Hecate were the teachers supervising the trip this time around. Hecate had secretly hoped that Snape was not one of the teachers this time around, due to Remus coming to visit. He never missed an opportunity to say something snarky.

The adults made their way into The Three Broomsticks and tucked themselves into a back corner to watch the other tables and the door. This was most of the 'supervising' the teachers did. McGonagall and Sprout turned to each other and began their conversation again. Severus and Hecate sat quietly, not speaking to each other or putting themselves into a conversation with the other two teachers. Their eyes were focused on the room, the only sounds that came from them were them sipping from their cups occasionally. Hecate had spent yesterday feeling nauseous, eventually vomiting. She had walked over to Severus' room to ask him for a potion. It had led to Hecate falling asleep in his bed, and spending the night with Severus. Getting up late, scrambling to get clothes on, Severus leaving his room first to make sure she had a clear spot back to her room. He had made it down first, stoic and professional as ever, she followed soon after, arriving right as McGonagall announced it was time to go. McGonagall had shot a look between the two with a knowing smile faintly on her face. Either she hadn't told Dumbledore, or he doesn't care enough to pull them into his office. Too busy with other things perhaps. Thankfully.

The bell above the door went off as it opened, Hecate flicked her eyes over to the door. A man walked in, his brown hair coated with grey and his normal shabby coat. Hecate stood from the table and excused herself politely before moving towards him. Remus' eyes scanned the room, before landing on Hecate who was moving toward him. He walked a few steps before being close enough to greet her with a hug. They pulled apart, and Hecate gestured over to the table with the teachers. Remus' eyes furrowed at the sight of Severus, eliciting an eye-roll from Hecate.

"Why is he here?" Remus questioned, looking down at her. Hecate looked at him as if he took a babbling beverage. "He's one of the teachers supervising", she replied before walking away from him back over to the professors' table. Remus followed her, taking a seat across from where she had sat back down. McGonagall and Sprout gave Remus a small acknowledging smile, before continuing with their conversation. McGonagall's eyes flickered between Hecate, Severus, and Remus, pausing on Hecate longer than she liked. Hecate looked down at her hands until McGonagall had looked away. Severus' eyes continued to remain focused on the room, ignoring Remus and Hecate.

"How's sch—work going?" Remus spoke first, initiating the conversation. Hecate smiled and rolled her eyes, "School is fine Remus", sarcasm rolled off her tongue. "It's different, depending on which side of the desk you on", Hecate's tongue poked out slightly, in thought. "It's nice being on the professor's side of the desk, seeing how the professors teach and being able to go through the motions of their methods". Remus nodded in agreement, before turning to Madam Rosmerta to give her his drink order. As she walked away Remus turned to Hecate once again.

"Have a boyfriend yet?" he questioned, causing McGonagall and Severus to simultaneously choke on their drinks. Hecate flickered her eyes towards the two of them, scrunching her face in annoyance, "What has gotten into you two?" she asked disdainfully. They were going to give something away to Remus that she wasn't ready for him to find out. Once their coughing fits were done, they resume their normal positions. Hecate shook her head, "No, Remus. I do not", she answered. Remus pursed his lips before shooting a look at Severus. "You know my theories", he mumbled, looking back at her.

Hecate huffed and took a sip of her butterbeer. "Your theories are dumb Remus". She finished her tea, stood up, and handed money to Madam Rosmerta. "I am going to supervise while walking around", she announced to the other adults. McGonagall looked at her, "We usually do that in pairs, take Severus with you". A mischievous smile formed across her lips. "I planned on taking Remus with me", Hecate stated. McGonagall raised an eyebrow, "We stay in pairs as Professor's Hecate. Please, take Severus with you and Remus". Hecate closed her eyes and let out a sigh, before opening them and nodding. Her eyes met Severus', "Well? Let's go", her voice filled with annoyance. Severus and Remus stood up at the same time, following Hecate out the door that she already walked over to.

Once all three of them were back onto the bustling street of Hogsmeade, Hecate looked around, unsure of where she wanted to walk to. She didn't have a plan now; her original plan being getting Remus away from Severus before he came to his own conclusions.

"So, Lupin", Severus sneered, causing Hecate to turn to look at them. "What are your actual intentions of being here?" Remus turned to Severus to address him, "I don't think that is any of your concern, I came here to visit Hecate". Hecate rolled her eyes and began walking away from the two of them, deciding almost instantly that this was going to be her 'Plan B'.

Severus and Remus stared at each other for a few moments before realizing Hecate had walked away from them. They turned away from each other and followed her to a desolate end of Hogsmeade. Hecate turned around and leaned on the fence now behind her. "Why did you all of a sudden want to visit Remus? You didn't even do this while I was at school". Remus paused, a guilty look crossing his face for barely a moment. "McGonagall sent me a letter", he started, "Then I received one from Harry". He moved away from Severus and closer to Hecate. "They both seemed concerned about the relationship you have with your former Head of House and Professor". That would be why Dumbledore hadn't said anything to the two of them. She didn't go to Dumbledore; she had gone straight to Remus.

"Oh yeah? What did they say about it?" Hecate inquired, flickering her eyes to take a glance at Severus, who was moving slightly away from the two. "Well, McGonagall said she caught Snape coming out of your bedroom and Harry said he visited you, Snape was there, and that you were barely dressed. He looked at Hecate with accusing eyes. Hecate cowered slightly, feeling as if once again she was a little girl in trouble. She reached for Remus' hands, holding each one of his in each one of hers, tightly. "Are you going to get mad if I tell you the truth?" Remus' eyes shot daggers at her. Already upset without hearing the truth. Remus' daggers quickly faded, remembering that being mad about anything wouldn't help. He nodded slowly, gripping her hands just as tightly back.

Hecate took a deep breath and started at the beginning. How when Severus found her at the bar, she had made a proposition with him, and they had both gotten a little too not sober and made out in the bathroom. When she went and visited George and Fred, she snuck over to his house again to 'finish what she had started. How he told her the day after that it was a mistake, and it was never to be repeated. Remus' hands gripped tighter on her at the mention of this. Also, that the letter that Remus had seen her receive was an apology letter for what he had said. Finally, that they had slept together a few more times, and even spent the night in their rooms together.

Remus' face turned stoic as he tried to keep his composure. Hecate glanced at Severus, who had his back turned to the two of them, probably to hide the look on his face from her telling Remus the truth. "Did this happen before school – ", he cut himself off, not finishing his sentence. Hecate shook her head, "No Remus, this did not start before school ended. Not from him anyways". Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Severus turn around to look at her. She didn't look at him, keeping her eyes on Remus. "I was going to attempt to sleep with him before Dad died, to piss him off, but I thought better of it. I didn't Want Severus to lose his job or have to expel me". Remus looked at Hecate with a look of disgust, "It's Severus now?" Hecate let go of Remus's hands, "I just told you I've been sleeping with him, and you're upset that I first named him?"

Hecate sighed and walked past Remus. "I'll send you a letter later, we can discuss this more later". She continued walking past Severus as well, not waiting to hear what he had to say about the matter. 

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