Just Like Her Mother - Sort Of

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November 4th, 1996

"I know, nineteen years old, I feel so old"


Monday came around quick; Severus had snuck into Hecate's room at midnight to give her a birthday present. Which meant Severus had snuck in to make Hecate come multiple times to the point she couldn't keep her eyes open. When she finally woke up at her normal time the next morning, she was exhausted. She groaned and flipped herself onto her other side, moving closer to the man that was positioned behind her, snuggling into his chest. Severus moved his arm sleepily, adjusting himself around her.

After Hecate had stormed away from Remus, Severus and Remus talked. At least no wands were pulled, according to Severus. Remus had practically forced Severus to admit that he had no plans to harm or upset her, and if there was an accidental pregnancy, he would be there. Severus had no problem agreeing with him, this wasn't where he thought they would have been at this point. Initially, he would stick with his previous belief that having sex with her was a mistake, never to be repeated. How did it come to this? Sharing a bed, sex almost every night, and even when there wasn't any, and they were too tired to touch one another, just peace and relaxing company.

After their talk, Severus had followed Hecate, finding her doubled over a bin vomiting. Luckily, he had kept a potion in his pocket for her, just in case her nausea came back. She had stayed in bed all day on Sunday, sleeping. Only getting up to trudge herself down to dinner. She managed to keep it down, allowing for Severus to give her, her birthday present. They had stayed up until at least three a.m., enjoying each other.

Hecate looked up at the man tangled around her and reached her arm up to brush the fallen strands of hair out of his face. He didn't like her staring at him while he was sleeping, but she enjoyed the look of his face peaceful as he slept – or pretended to sleep. Severus' eyes slowly blinked open, he reached his own hand up to push her hand away from his face, and to scratch his chin where his scruff sat. He promptly put his arm back over her, forcing her not to be able to reach up, and closed his eyes once more. Hecate wiggled herself up just enough to plant a kiss on his chin, the only part that she could reach in the position she was laying. Severus let out a groan, and flipped himself over, pinning her underneath him. His eyes were still droopy from being tired. This however released both of her arms, her hands snaked up and held his face for a second before pulling his face down to hers for a kiss.

"Happy Birthday. . . Again", he muttered into her lips. She moved back away from his lips and a mischievous smile rose on her face, "I know, nineteen years old, I feel so old". Severus rolled his eyes and rolled off her. "You don't know what old is", he flung an arm over his eyes, Hecate sat up and flung her leg over his hips straddling him. "You don't either. What are you like forty?". Severus removed his arm, to this time glare at her. The smile on her face didn't fade, she only leaned down to kiss him again.

Her lips barely touched his before she sat straight up and climbed off him and jetted to the bathroom. Severus could hear faint sounds of vomiting. He shook his head and pulled himself up, moving over to his cloak. He pulled out another vial of potion and walked to the bathroom. Hecate appeared at the door, white-faced and sickly looking. He silently handed her the potion, which she gratefully drank.

"I think you should stay in bed today", Severus reached and pushed her hair off her forehead. As the color returned to her face, she shook her head, "No, the potion will hold me over for now. If I puke again, I'll go to Madam Pomfrey". Severus observed her briefly before walking over towards his clothes. He got dressed quickly, "I need to go get ready, I'll see you at breakfast". Hecate nodded and retreated into the bathroom to take a shower.


Hecate had kept to tea and toast for breakfast this morning. Severus had shoved another vial of potion into her hand under the table, allowing his hand to linger slightly longer than he should have. McGonagall had caught it and gave them both a small smile. Breakfast went by quickly and Hecate went back to her room for a small nap before Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Hecate arrived before the rest of the class for once, only Severus was in the room. He sat at his desk, scribbling grades on parchment. Hecate moved over to him and leaned down slightly to plant a small kiss on his cheek. Severus turned his head, meeting her lips with his. She smiled into the kiss, as he snaked his arm around her waist and stood himself up, pressing himself against her. She enjoyed the kiss but pulled away, "Class soon" she murmured, kissing his lips once again gently. Severus moved away from her, sitting back down at his desk. Hecate perched herself on top of a desk that was empty during this period.

The class soon filed in, Hecate gave small smiles to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville. Neville had taken a liking to Hecate last year after Bellatrix murdered her father. That gave them something in common. The former three returned her small smile, but Neville excitedly waved not looking at where he was going, tripping over a desk leg. Soft laughter was heard around the class, until Hecate had given them a death glare, before looking at Severus and giving him the same death glare to make sure he didn't say something snarky.

Hecate stayed perched on the desk, as Severus walked around teaching the class. She wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying, her head felt like it was spinning. She rubbed her temples, and closed her eyes, willing the feeling away. Attempting to will the feeling away. Her sense of hearing came back slowly, and only enough, to hear a quiet "Miss Black?", from Severus. She lowered her hands and opened her eyes, looking at a Severus who looked slightly concerned for her well-being.

"Yes, Professor Snape?" Severus' look of concern faded, and he continued with the class. "Can you assist me in a demonstration?" Hecate nodded, slowly pushing herself off the desk, putting her feet on the ground gently. She stood up; her head felt like it was spinning fast.

The next moment was all black.


November 9th, 1996 – Evening

Hecate awoke with a jump, sitting straight up in the bed she was in. It was dark, and it took her eyes a bit to adjust to seeing her surroundings. Beds lined next to her, glass door cabinets on the wall filled with various medical supplies. Why was she in the hospital wing? Hecate pulled the covers off her and put her bare feet down on the cold concrete floor. She felt a whole lot better than she had but had no idea how she had gotten here. The last thing she remembered was Defense Against the Dark Arts class. The door creaked open behind her, causing Hecate to turn. A tall figure stood in the doorway and slowly made its way to her. Hecate stood up, squinting in the darkness.

"How are you feeling?" A low familiar voice whispered.

Hecate picked up a candle and move towards the figure. "Fine, Severus", she whispered back. Severus moved quickly toward her, wrapping her arms around her. Hecate was quick to move the candle as not to burn him. "What day is it?" She asked as they detached themselves from each other. Severus looked uncomfortable, not sure how to explain to her what had happened. Hecate sat back down on the bed, "What day is it?' She asked a different question this time, hoping it would make explaining a bit easier.

"It's the ninth", he spoke as he sat down next to her. Hecate looked at him confused, "What happened to the rest of the days? All I remember is being in class with you". Severus grabbed one of her hands and sighed.

"You had a miscarriage Hecate".

Her heart stopped in her chest; a buzzing filled her ears. It felt like it took forever for it to stop. Hecate stared at the floor, before mustering a "What?". Severus didn't speak, he had not expected to have to explain to her what had happened, he had hoped she would have still been asleep. He placed a calming hand on her upper back and rubbed small circles into it.

"I had my period". Severus shook his head, "Madam Pomfrey believes that is when you miscarried. It caused an infection, that's why you were so sick. The potion I was giving you was only masking your symptoms". Hecate leaned over, laying herself back into bed. Severus stood up, leaning over her to cover her up with blankets. He placed a kiss on her forehead, taking the hint she didn't want to talk about it anymore. "I'll stop by in the morning", he whispered in her ear. Tears began dripping down her face. 

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