Once Again, a Bad Decision

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July 13th, 1996 – Late Afternoon

"Am I crazy if I want to go back and finish what I started?"



The situation at hand wasn't that funny, but if Hecate could record the smiles dropping from the twins' faces, and the confusion that followed she would have. The silence in the room was deafening, Hecate awkwardly stood in front of them waiting for a response. George opened and closed his mouth a few times, not saying a word. Fred looked very confused but spoke first, "You did what, with who, now?" Hecate looked at Fred and smiled slightly, "Almost slept with Snape", she muttered. George looked at Fred, and Fred looked at George and returned to look at Hecate at the same time. Hecate sighed, "Long story, or short version".

"Short", the twins announced at the same time.

Hecate nodded, and in one breath said, "Went to a bar in Cokeworth, Pop asked Snape to find me, Snape found me, told him I would leave after he had a few drinks and a dance. Ended up in the bathroom".

Silence ensued the quick storytelling, the twins looked as confused as ever. "We didn't because he didn't want to" – Hecate made quote signs with her fingers – "Take my virginity in a muggle bar bathroom". The twins still said nothing, allowing her to continue, "He brought me back to his house, put me in a bedroom, and I fell asleep. Although, to be honest, I think he did that on purpose". Hecate stopped talking for a minute, scrunching her brow in thought. "He did seem to have sobered up a bit after I had said that", she shrugged as if shrugging the thought off.

George spoke first this time, "Does anyone else know?". Hecate shook her head, "The adults know I spent the night after he found me, but not the kissy parts". George nodded, "You know us Hecate, we're your best friends, we won't tell anyone". Hecate smiled, and moved over to the boys, wrapping an arm around each of them, and placing a kiss on their cheeks. "Am I crazy if I want to go back and finish what I started?", the boys glanced at each other over Hecate's head.

"Yes!", the twins once again spoke in unison.

Hecate backed away, a disappointed look on her face, she crossed her arms "You two are no fun", she paused, "Or completely sane". She knew it was a bad idea to go back to Snape's house, just for the intention of getting what she wanted. He was her former professor, former head of house, he went to school with her Father. Not only that her father and Uncles tormented him in school, but also, not without fault on Snape's part. He was soon to be her colleague; she had accepted Dumbledore's offer last summer on taking a teaching position at the school. Although it was just a facade to have her follow Harry around.

A knocking on the door took the boy's attention off Hecate's face for a moment. George walked over to the door, opened it, and whispered to the employee behind it before shutting the door. He walked back over to where he was standing originally, "We have to head back out onto the floor", he glanced at Fred, "As much as a bad idea as it sounds, if you want to head over, we'll cover for you, and we won't tell anyone". Fred smiled and nodded before hugging Hecate, "It's weird but we love you", he patted her on the head before stepping around her, flinging the door open, and exiting. George smiled at her and hugged her next, "Yeah, what he said", he mumbled in her ear, before following Fred out the door.

Hecate smiled to herself, in her head this was an 'Okay' from the two people, whose opinion mattered most to her.

So, she turned on the spot and apparated.


Hecate landed in Spinner's End, not realizing that she apparated right into and right out of Snape's house the last time she was there. She had no idea what house he lived in, and it was incredibly rude to just apparate into someone's house. She walked down the road a bit, looking for any house that stood out. She came upon one that almost looked blurry to her until she got closer to it. She walked through an odd barrier, confused at first until it clicked in her head. Of course, there was a barrier, Snape would of course have protection on his house, and because she was already in the house, the barrier wouldn't work for her.

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