To Be Better Next Time

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I don't normally put warnings unless it's bad. As everyone should know by now there is smut written in, but for the sake of it. 

Warnings: Smut, non-con(?), rape(?), CNC(?), Abusive Snape, mentions of Cheating


April 7th, 1997

"Would you prefer it if I yelled and screamed and told you how much I hated you and how horrible you were for doing it?"


The lights shone through the curtains, signaling another new day. A Monday of course. The bed was warm, and an arm was draped over her waist. She wiped her eyes and turned over. His mouth was slightly open, a quiet snore coming through his nose. She pushed his red hair out of his eyes, admiring his face. Until of course, she remembered Snape. Was their relationship exclusive? Did she just royally mess up? She removed her hand from his face and gently got out of the bed. She looked at the clock on the wall. Quarter til 10. She needed to get ready for Defense Against the Dark Arts class. She moved over to her wardrobe and pulled out a long black sleeve bodysuit, a black denim skirt with moons down the sides, black heels, and a green cardigan. She tied her hair up at the back of her head.

"They let you wear that to classes?"

Hecate turned around to look at the boy in the bed. She nodded, "Yeah, they do. As long as it looks semi-professional." Charlie got out of the bed in all his naked glory and moved to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, and gently kissing her lips. Hecate smiled nervously and gently removed his arms from around her. A confused but knowing smile came across his face, he stepped back from her and turned around searching for his clothes on the floor.

"Dumbledore gave me a mission. I had to stay in a relationship with Snape so that if something were to happen and Snape left the school, I could follow him."

It had slipped out; she didn't know why she was telling him this. Charlie who had found his pants and was pulling them on turned to look at her. "And you agreed?" She nodded, "Yeah. I did..." She licked her lips, "But I was thinking... If I quit this job, I can come with you to Romania, and forget the mission." Charlie smiled, finishing getting himself back together. He moved over to her once more, placing a kiss on her forehead. "I enjoyed last night, but if Dumbledore gave you a mission... It's probably for a good reason. Stick to it, and if we both get out of this war alive, you'll be the first person I go to."

Hecate's heart sunk, she knew he was right, but didn't want to do what was right for once. She put on a smile and walked him to the castle doors.


She made it to the classroom a minute before class was to begin. She walked in, avoided eye contact with Snape, and sat down on top of her normal desk. She was nervous, but she knew she needed to tell him. The class felt like it had taken forever to end. She didn't even notice the silence that followed when all the students left. Only when a pair of black shoes appeared on the floor in front of her, did she lookup.


"I slept with Charlie Weasley last night."

It came out quick, interrupting whatever he was going to say to her. She tried to gauge his expressions but of course, it was Snape, he didn't show any. He finally spoke, "Slept with, as in..." She nodded, "Yes. I had sex with him. He showed up to visit, we drank, he kissed me, it went farther. I told him I didn't know whether you and I were exclusive or not. We've never talked about it." She hesitated before continuing. "That's not an excuse. What I am trying to say is I'm sorry." Hecate could tell he was biting the inside of his mouth, "I have a class. We can talk later." He turned away from her, moving towards his desk but not sitting behind it. Instead, placing his hands on the edge and leaning over it. His knuckles were white.

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