Worried Teachers and Teaching Lessons

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September 1st, 1996

"Sleeping with the man your father bullied in school would attest to that".


The evening of the first came a little too quick for Hecate's liking. She had hoped that the few weeks she spent before would have been a little slower. It probably didn't help that she and Severus spent the previous morning laying together in bed. Only laying close to each other, bodies intertwined. It was odd how easy it was for the two of them to just exist the way they did. Hecate was glad they made up. No more Miss. Black or Snape, dripping like venom from their tongues. They were almost caught; however, they had been lucky enough to be up, dressed, and sitting at the table sipping tea when McGonagall knocked on the door. There was nothing out of the ordinary seeing two (now) colleagues having tea.

She had always found the sorting boring, even as a student. She politely clapped with the rest of the teachers whenever someone was sorted. She was nervous sitting up at the teacher's table, her leg shaking under the tablecloth. It didn't help that she still hadn't seen Harry sitting at the table with Ron and Hermione, the latter looking equally as nervous. Dinner was almost done before Harry walked into the room. A lot of kids watched him as he took his place at the table, it wasn't long after that Severus sat beside her at the Staff table.

"Where were you?" she quietly spoke, not turning her head to him. Severus snapped his head to look at her, before rolling his eyes and facing foreword again. "I had to go retrieve Potter from Tonks. He seemed to be unable to arrive with the rest of his peers." Hecate shook her head and glanced at the hourglasses behind them. "Did you have to take so many points from him?"

The dinner foods disappeared from the plates, replaced by different desserts. Severus did not acknowledge her question, turning his back to her to speak to Dumbledore. Hecate aggressively served herself a piece of dessert and ate in silence. Dessert finished and Dumbledore stood up to give his usual after-dinner speech. He introduced the new potions professor, Horace Slughorn, who stood up in acknowledgment of his new post, and then introduced Severus Snape as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, murmurs following the announcement with a loud "NO!" coming from the Gryffindor table. Hecate places her head on her hands, knowing that the sound came from one of the ones she knows. If Severus heard it, he didn't acknowledge it. He didn't stand like Slughorn did, only waving his hand, it seemed like only the Slytherin table made noise for him.

"—and we have a new Teacher's Assistant this year with us, to follow around some of the sixth-year classes, she will also be available for tutoring sessions during her free periods. A lot of you older students will recognize her as she was sitting in your same spots only a few months ago, Miss. Hecate Black". Hecate looked up from her hands, and smiled half-heartedly at the students, taking a page from her former head of house and remaining seating. Until a firm hand, that happened to be attached to the same head of house, pushed her arms up, forcing her to stand. A few Gryffindors made whooping noises and were clapping loudly. Of course, both Weasley's, Potter, Granger, and a few of their friends were the ones behind it. Hecate smiled, almost as if embarrassed, and sat back down.

"These new kids are going to be confused, they're going to think I was in Gryffindor", Professor Burbage beside her let out a small giggle. Severus looked down at her, not hearing what she had said, only hearing Professor Burbage giggle. He furrowed his brows, before turning to face forward to listen to Dumbledore's speech.

Soon everyone was dismissed, the kids scrambling out, the first years following their prefects. The teachers stood up and headed out themselves once all the kids had parted from the room. Dumbledore waved Hecate over to where he was now standing with Slughorn and Snape. She took a deep breath and strode over to him.

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