"Angel, get out of my office before I break every single one of your bones," I said lowly, grabbing him by the back of the neck.

I picked him up as if he were a cat and walked him back over to my door.

He huffed and crossed his arms, just allowing it to happen.

I put him down, giving him a hard shove out the door.

"Good day, arachnid," I growled and went to shut my office door. I want to get this work finished so I can go back home to Aria.

His foot wedged between the door before I could, and a deep growl left my throat, my eyes raising to meet his multicolored ones.

"Angel I'm not in the—"

He shoved the door open and walked in, causing me to back up out of surprise. His eyes held a curious look, and I was completely confused.

He narrowed his eyes and then bent down slightly, getting close to my face before tilting his head, his eyes focusing on my neck.

"Smiles, tilt ya head to the side," he requested and it was then I realized I wasn't wearing my bow tie, and my neck was completely visible.

Including the deep purple bruise...or hickey...that Aria gave me.

I immediately covered it with my hand, and grabbed Angel by the face, shoving him back.

"Goodbye Angel!" I growled and he shook his head, a wry smile rising to his lips as he pushed my hand away from his face.

"Nah, nah smiles I already seen it— since the fuck when do you go around getting hickeys?"

I only just learned what it is. Cut me some damn slack.

Angel shut my door then, and walked over to one of my chairs, sitting. He motioned to the other one and I stared at him skeptically.

What's he up to...?

Reluctantly I walked over, slowly lowering my hand from my neck. He's already seen it, there's no use hiding it from him.

His eyes immediately fell to the mark that I couldn't see and he smirked.

"Damn, whoever gave that to ya really wanted it to be seen."

I'm going to strangle her.

Then he surprised me when his eyes lost their mischievous glint. His smile softened and I was immediately put on guard.

"What's goin on smiles...who's the chick? Or fella, if you swing that way," he shrugged and I raised an eyebrow at him. Why does he care?

"What business of yours is it...?" I said slowly and he shrugged again.

"I just ain't never seen you with nobody...I also want you to know I ain't gonna tell anyone, cus I know you probably didn't intend for me to see it in the first place."

I stared at him for a moment and then sighed, "it's nothing Angel, don't concern yourself with anything having to do with my personal life," I said, looking away slightly.

"Alastor," his voice changed, he sounds serious.

I have never heard Angel sound serious.

I met his eyes, feeling very uncomfortable. It's bad enough he saw the mark, now he's going to ask me a million questio—

"Do you like them? Like, really...?"

I blinked. Yes, of course I like her.

"Yes, she's enjoyable to be around," I answered and his smile widened.

"She...okay, we're making progress. What's her name? You've done a damn good job keeping her hidden," he said and I immediately felt nervous.

He can't know she's human...

I shook my head, "Angel, I really don't feel comfortable sharing my personal information with you," I sighed and he scoffed.

"C'mon, smiles, you haven't had any pussy your entire life, and you finally find a broad that gives you hickeys and makes ya all nervous, and you don't want my advice?" He said.

I stared at him.

"Angel, I have quite frankly never wanted your advice for anything before, ever," I said flatly and he lowered his eyelids, obviously annoyed.

And did he say I was nervous? I'm not nervous.

"Also, she does not make me nervous, spider. No person makes me nervous. I do not fall for silly little feelings like that, she is merely a friend of mine, nothing more," I said simply and he rolled his eyes, crossing his bottom set of arms.

"Ya ain't foolin me, old man," he sighed and then stood up, "but, if you don't wanna talk, fine, don't talk...I just know that look in ya eyes..."

His voice was soft as he approached my door. He turned the handle and glanced back at me.

"You're in love, smiles," he said softly, and my eyes widened. I was about to protest, to tell him I absolutely am not in love, but he wasn't done speaking.

"I know, I know," he chuckled, shaking his head, "yer an overlord...ya don't have feelin's......ya can't possibly be in love..." he said sarcastically and chuckled again.

"Bullshit..." he whispered, and turned away from me.

"Some people will never get the chance to love someone, smiles...you're lucky." he spoke quietly, "so ya might as well tell her...before it's too late."

With that he opened my office door and slipped out, leaving me to sit speechless in my chair.

I stared at the closed door, unsure of what to think of that conversation. On one hand I wanted to completely dismiss it since it was with Angel.

On the other...

I sighed softly and leaned on the arm of the chair, resting my cheek against my knuckles. I held my other hand out in front of me, facing my palm up.

A small fire erupted in my palm, and then formed into the small figure of a woman.

The little fire figure shook her finger at me, and little puff of smoke came from her head. I chuckled softly and sat up, using my other hand to poke her.

The little figure fell over and landed on her butt.

Her small eyes blinked at me, and then she smiled.

I sighed softly, staring at the little fire.

She stood back up and walked over to my thumb, hugging it.

There was a small smile on her face, and I watched her, my eyes softening.

Then I closed my eyes, and closed my fist, extinguishing the fire.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora