"Go wake Jungkook up.. He is still sleeping" Jin said.

And why should i wake him up? She raised her eyebrows. Doesn't he have a phone?

"He does and you have to wake him up because you both are going to school together" Jin stated, turning away.

I what? With that Junglebook? Byeol widened her eyes. Oh hell to the no, over your dead body.

Jin just looked at her blankly. You have to go together. It's dangerous outside.

"Yes it's dangerous but it's not for me but for others. I can very well protect myself!" Byeol argued, gesturing with her hands.

Jin folded his hands. "Do what i said. It's not mine but dad and your mother's order. Go on argue with them if you want."

Byeol cursed under her breath. Fuck she has to go to school with Junglebook.

Heaving a sigh in defeat she made her way to his room.

She opened the door without knocking. Why would she knock on a sleeping person's door anyways?

"She looked at Jungkook with disgust who was sprawled on his bed like a starfish, drool coming out of his mouth."

Suddenly an idea popped in her head as she hurried towards her room.

"This is going to be fun" she giggled as she suddenly threw cold water on Jungkook making him jolt up.


"That's what she said!" Byeol yelled as Jungkook looked at her giggling figure with a frown.

He couldn't comprehend what just happened.

"What? You looked like starfish so i thought you might need some water" she laughed while holding her stomach making the boy angry.

Jungkook's eyes hardened into a glare. You fucking bitch! He screamed lunging at her as Byeol yelped sprinting out of the room.



"Don't tell anyone that you are my stepsister and stay away from me. Don't even talk to me" Jungkook warned as they got out of the car as Byeol rolled her eyes.

The car ride was filled with bickering. This was the most social and talkative Byeol had been the whole year.

Yeah whatever...She dismissed, looking at the massive school.

Does your family like own it? She questioned, her eyes wandering at the huge and luxurious building.

"Well we don't own it but we are a trustee" Jungkook answered. And hey, i told you to not talk to me!

"We are not in the school yet, chill dude..Are you like on your man periods?"

I- what?

Byeol shrugged leaving behind a flabbergasted Jungkook.

"Let's just get the day over with. Just ignore the people, and find a corner."

But that's exactly what not happened because right now she was Standing in front of their class, ready to introduce herself.

"Miss Kim please introduce yourself" the homeroom teacher Miss Im said.

She could see the students looking at her curiously. Among them the boys were the happiest to have a beautiful girl in the class except one who was glaring at her.

"I am Kim Byeol. I am 16 nice to meet you" she bowed as the class gasped.

16? A boy questioned.

"You see Byeol here skipped two grades because she is intelligent unlike you guys" Miss Im answered making the class groan.

"Wow we have a beautiful and smart Student in our class now" Someone said.

Ok Byeol, you can sit in front of Dahee. Dahee raise your hand

"A short girl with glasses raised her hand, smiling at her slightly."

Byeol took a seat in front of the said girl who tapped on her shoulder.

"You are really pretty and welcome to the class" she smiled at her and unlike other times Byeol actually smiled back.

"The girl's smile seemed sincere and maybe Byeol was ready to socialize".

"Anyway she turned her attention back to the teacher who was talking about the activities that would take place the rest of the semester."

Byeol suddenly felt something hit her as she turned back to look at a smirking Jungkook.

The fucker was throwing paper balls at her.

"Throughout the class he continued hitting her with various things, annoying Byeol to the core."

Byeol now had enough as she abruptly stood up.

Can i use the washroom? she asked the teacher who just nodded.

Let's see now Junglebook.

"Byeol casually made her way to the backdoor before accidentally tripping right in front of Jungkook's desk, grabbing his chair to steady herself."

And BAM!

Jungkook found himself on the floor as she pushed his chair making The whole class erupting in laughter.

"Omo! Are you ok? I am sorry,i just lost my balance" she faked gasped holding her hand out.

Jungkook gritted his teeth before getting up and giving her the meanest glare.

Byeol smirked.

Stepsister:1 Stepbrothers:0

𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔(𝑭𝒕. 𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑩𝒚𝒆𝒐𝒍)✔️Where stories live. Discover now