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Here's the thing about being in a fandom.

You like a person or a book or a movie or a song or just any piece of art in general so much that you start incorporating it into your daily life. I will give you a few examples. I have watched the movie No Strings Attached seventeen times by now (yes I counted) and I can watch it again. Right now. All you gotta do is ask me and you will have a movie night planned with me. Ashton Kutcher and Natalie Portman breathed life into every single enemies to lovers (slightly?), friends with benefits with a hot man daydreaming fantasy I have ever had.

I always need to keep the book Little Women on my bedside table because oddly enough it is something I always want near my eyes. It is my comfort book. Quite literally. While there's no justified reason for my obsession with the movie No Strings Attached, I have a story when it comes to Little Women. Not really a story per se but when I was in tenth grade I was obsessed with Tumblr fan pages on classical literature and that's when I thought, 'hmmm maybe I should read little women I have heard a lot about it.'

Lo and behold! It's another one of your obsession child!

And you will love it because you also feel for Jo March and her debilitating loneliness and denial to admit people need love like they need water and other people finding their romantic love is not an attack to your relationship with them and sometimes you gotta grow up and let go of things you love while also somehow coming to terms with the fact that there is a crippling loneliness inside of you but opening up to love is opening up to heartache and objectification and rejection.

A big rant but you get the point.

So you see where I am going with all these? If you haven't yet, let me introduce you to my biggest obsession.

Taylor Swift.

I am not going to go into detail since then it'll be a thesis you will encounter and not my five seconds deranged thoughts but let's just say I will die for that woman and I judge people on the basis of whether or not they like her songs. Lex is my best friend BECAUSE she screams along to Taylor Swift.

So naturally, the most important thing going on in my head right now is how Logan De Luca is here and the last time I saw him he was doing a hockey player, kinda embarrassed, kinda out of tune rendition of Wildest Dreams in karaoke while my own (to-be? Maybe?) boyfriend told me he doesn't sing in public, let alone Taylor Swift. I am considering a lot of things after that since that is probably the biggest red flag to ever exist in my book.

ANYWAY, back to the topic of the perfect man to ever exist that is Logan. I swear to god all of my brain cells exploded each time he sang the lyrics perfectly from memory.

Ovaries, meet your master.

The whole thing is running in my head twenty-four seven like my own personal concert of one of my favorite songs. Have you ever seen a man confidently sing Taylor Swift? If you haven't then you just aren't one of the Universe's favorites because men like that? Men like will be your ruination, your damnation, your redemption. *cue staring at the sky with my arms wide open*

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