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"I should be paid for listening to him," Alexis, my roommate says, chewing a gum, "He's like the most boring person I have ever heard and I am including old politicians who don't know what a vagina is, in that list."

I know how I will write this conversation in the blog; Alexis, with her fiery tongue, looks at the stage with dead eyes, one hand scrolling through Instagram and the other periodically popping her bubble gum bubble.

"I am going to go sleep, El pick me up when we go back to the dorm," Lex says, resting her head against the seat and closing her eyes.

"You mean wake you up?"

"No," She drops me a wink, "Pick me back to the dorm."

"Lex," I start, mocking hesitation, "I don't know if you know but I don't lift."


"I am allergic to Dumbbells."

She stares at me dumbfounded before breaking out in a hearty laughter, "Can't blame you, I am allergic to treadmills and cardio."

I sigh heavily, "Cardio is just a highway to hell."

"Every time I do cardio, I lose ten years from my life."

"Uh," Hunter interrupts from behind us, "That is the opposite of what happens when you do cardio."

"Shut up Hunter. You must be wildly fun at parties," Lex yawns.

For the first week, I was actually super intimidated of her. Alexis walks like the world is for her taking; a wildfire of life, always uprooting everything in her part and grinning while doing it. But then she forced me to go to Taco Bell at two in the morning and blasted Taylor Swift on the stereo and I knew we'd get along just fine. I like anyone who likes Tay-Tay and the rest of the month filled with trash romcoms and prank calls to our high school teachers proved my theory correct.

We are sitting in Meyer University's auditorium and it's big enough to fit in a whole mansion and then some. Silk drapes are tied back sensually at the stage and the auditorium is bare of any gawdy or ornamental aesthetics except the huge portraits of the founding father of America, hung on the beige walls. This place couldn't be whiter even if it tried.

"Man make him stop," Lex grumbles beside me and before I can say anything, the back door slams shut.

Everyone in the room turns towards the sound but the old professor from some no name European college continues speaking; he's probably the only one listening right now. Hunter whistles lightly, seeing the two boys enter.

They're tall, definitely above five-eleven. One of them is black-haired with an easy smile on his face which grows larger as he waves to Hunter and walks over to us; his steps graceful and smooth. Confident, he's oozing confidence from every pore of his body.

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