THE FINAL - Part 15

Start from the beginning

Your face relaxes. "Ah," you mumble. Is that all he remembers about Taehyung? He really forgot a lot then.

"So, who are you and how do I know you? Are we friends, or...?" Yoongi finally questions, probably wanting to know everything he misses.

"Uhm, that's a really long story. I should probably tell you once you are fully rested," you answer, which is mostly an excuse since you don't know if you should say everything when the police officers are here. 

Sure, if you tell the story now, the police officer might be able to protect you from your kidnapper, but at the same time, you could also not enlighten Yoongi about your history with him at all and hope that he forgets about you forever and you can return to your peaceful life. 

"Fine. I'd like to go back to sleep then if you don't mind?" Yoongi requests, looking at the three other people in the room including you. 

You take a look at the police officers and they nod, agreeing to leave for now. You get up from your seat and turn towards the door to leave.

Suddenly, you hear the sound of something dropping on the floor. You turn around quickly again and see the remote for Yoongi's bed on the ground. 

"Oh, sorry. I must have dropped it," Yoongi mutters. 

You kneel down on the floor to pick it up for him, so he doesn't have to get out of bed. Once you grabbed the remote, you put it back onto the nightstand.

"Thanks," Yoongi says quietly and smiles at you. 

"No problem."

Finally, you are approaching the policemen to leave the hospital with them. The three of you leave Yoongi's hospital room and close the door behind you softly. 

When you walk through the hospital's corridors with the policemen, you ask them, "What's the plan now? Do I need to come to the police station with you again?"

"No, for now, you can go home. Mr. Min needs some time to recover still. We have your contact information to reach you if we need you. You still live in the mental hospital, right?" the authoritative police officer says.

You swallow nervously when he mentions the mental hospital and you are not sure what to do or say.

"About that... I mean, I ran away for a whole day, even though I was not allowed. I don't know if I can just go back," you confess.

"Ran away?"

"Yoongi wanted to run away with me. Long story," you say honestly, hoping you don't say too much. 

"You can tell us all about it once Mr. Min recovered. We are curious to know. But, safety first. We will bring you to the mental hospital and explain to the staff the situation. It will be fine if we come with you," the policeman offers kindly.

"Thank you."


You arrived at the mental hospital. The two policemen came with you and explained the situation to the hospital staff. Well, they could only tell them as much as they knew, which isn't a lot at the moment.

The staff seems to be understanding, though. You could go back to your room in the mental hospital. It seems like there won't be consequences for trying to run away, at least for now. Maybe it will change once you actually have to explain the entire story with Yoongi, who is suffering from amnesia. Which, honestly, isn't really helpful.

You just hope that you can leave Yoongi unknowing about the past with you. Praying, that he forgot about you and will never remember what happened. So, you can live peacefully without a stalker and kidnapper by your side.

But right now, you just need some rest for a while. You are in your room, sitting down on your bed and decide to go for a nap. You want to change into something more comfortable. So, you take off your clothes.

The moment, you take off the hoodie you were wearing, you notice a little piece of paper that is inside the hood of your hoodie. You grab said paper and unfold it, revealing a handwritten note.

You recognize the handwriting. You know exactly who wrote this.

So, you read what he wrote on this note for you:

'Come back tomorrow. Alone.'


A/N: Hey guys! Just want to let you know, that the first book of 'An Idol is my Sasaeng?!' just reached 1 million reads!!! Thank you all! That is so amazing! (Also this book pretty much reached 500k. Am I dreaming?)

I am also holding a giveaway as a little thank you to all my readers! If you want to enter the giveaway (where you can win a BTS album) please go to the chapter "1M reads milestone + giveaway" on the first book. Further information will be there!

- a very happy author-nim

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