Oh she smells delicious...

I let my tongue fall out onto her skin, dragging it up to her jaw. She shivered and her grip on my hair tightened.

I got next to her ear, whispering deeply, "you're really tempting me right now, you know that?"

She whimpered softly and I chuckled. I believe the control has just been handed over to me.

I let my hands once again rub up and down her waist. Her heart is beating fast, but I want her to calm down just a bit before we start again.

Slowly the tension in her body lessened, and she relaxed against me.

There we go...

I lowered my lips onto her skin, ignoring my own hunger. I gave her sweet little kisses, peppering the skin on her neck and shoulder with them.

Her body molded into mine, and I reveled in the warmth she produced. It's an intoxicating experience, this one...

"T-try sucking on the skin...p-please?" She asked me breathlessly, and I paused a moment.

Sucking...? Ok...

I started doing that, gently at first. I gave her soft kisses and sucked softly against her skin, and quickly I realized that with my teeth in the way, I may end up hurting her.

"Darling, my teeth might hurt you," I said to her, and her response was quick.

"Turn human."

Oh, right. My own powers slipped my mind.

My body morphed into my human appearance. My grip on her hips quickly tightened at the absence of my claws and I dipped back into her neck.

I began sucking against her skin once more, getting into a little rhythm. I would leave a kiss, and then suck her skin.

My urge to bite her was still there, and eventually I figured it wouldn't hurt...my teeth won't hurt her anymore.

So, following one of my kisses against the soft spot right beneath her jaw, I started sucking a bit harder against the skin there.

I was surprised when her grip on my hair tightened and her thighs squeezed me. She let out a sigh, and titled her head more to the side.

Ok...so that felt good, noted.

I was sucking against that same spot, and then I bit her gently. It's not the same as actually eating, but it tricked my brain enough to where the thought wasn't overwhelming me anymore.

But when she moaned I nearly lost all control over myself.

I pulled away from her and looked down at the spot I'd been abusing. There was a small purple bruise.

"Dear, are you ok? There's a little mark here..." I said and she nodded.

"Yea, I'm fine...here, I'll give you one to match," she replied, and with no warning she dipped down into my neck.

My eyes widened at the feeling of her lips against my neck and the excitement in my stomach grew. My grip on her hips tightened and she whined softly.

God I love that noise...

I restrained the urge to push myself up against her. My body wanted stimulation, but I needed to restrain myself.

She kissed me softly up and down my neck, and then she started sucking and biting against my skin. Her movements were far more skilled than mine, and she's definitely done this before.

It felt nice...the sparks in my stomach were fizzling lightly and made a tingling sensation rise between my legs.

Just then she found a particularly soft spot, and she immediately started abusing it specifically. I think I know why, because as soon as she did I had to bite back a groan.

It felt so nice...and then my eyes rolled back when her hips rolled against mine again.


She just kept harassing that spot on my neck while torturing me with the movement of her hips.

Her hand left my hair suddenly, and she didn't pause any of her actions as she reached down and grabbed one of my hands.

Surprised is an understatement for the feeling I felt when she placed my hand against her chest.


"Squeeze." She instructed softly before returning to my neck.

So I did. I felt around for a moment, and then realized it's just...soft. Actually, quite fun to play with if I'm being honest.

I started massaging her, and she moaned against my neck. She licked my skin and placed one more soft kiss there before pulling away.

She was breathing heavily and I was as well. She looked at my neck and smiled.

"Now we match...yours is probably darker, though," she said with a giggle and I rolled my eyes.

"I didn't realize giving each other small bruises was part of intimacy," I said and she rolled her eyes.

I found myself missing her warmth as she slid off of me, settling into her side of the bed.

"It's called a hickey...and it felt good, didn't it?"

I looked away, remembering how it felt.

I nodded, "yes...I suppose it did," I replied and she smiled smugly.

"Well, then that's all that matters! Now do your snappy thing and hit the lights," she requested and I shook my head, smiling as I snapped.

The lights went out and I quickly adjusted myself. I settled into my spot and her body soon wrapped around mine.

One thing I never thought I would ever enjoy...was the warmth of another person.

But as I pull her closer to me, I find myself wondering why I didn't do this a long time ago.

Years...years of being all alone, I genuinely thought that I was comfortable in my life. I was comfortable in my life.

In my death...

Now, I lay next to this woman fighting with myself because I want her for myself...but I can't have her.

But, I have this...her body next to mine.

Her warmth.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon