Oh yea...

"Sure, dear," I said, letting my eyes roll back and close when she started rubbing the base of my ear.

"Well, I had a vision," she started and I hummed softly, "you were feeding Dakota."

I feel so relaxed right now...I could very well fall asleep right here...

"And then, you started making yourself dinner. It was actually a pretty normal vision...ya know...despite the fact that you're a cannibal,"

My eyes shot wide open at that, and I sat up quickly, pulling away from her.

I turned to face her, my smile strained.

She was looking at me with lowered eyelids and my ears lowered.

I chuckled, "eh...yes, dear, I am—er...I was, I mean...I still technically am, but I don't...eat human anymore?" I tried to explain and she just held that same expression.

"Alastor, why didn't you tell me?" She asked, and crossed her arms.


"What...?" I asked her, my worry slowly dissipating.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She repeated herself and I gave her a confused look.

"I...well for one it's not a very good conversation starter..." I responded and she looked thoughtful for a moment. She shrugged and nodded.

"Ok, that's fair. I just figured you wouldn't really care about me knowing," she said and I looked at her a moment longer.

I shook my head, "darling, most people would be utterly repulsed upon hearing my choice of diet," I responded and she chuckled.

"Ok, sure it's not the most appetizing thing in the world...or at least I thought it wasn't, the way you made it it smelled really good," she said and my jaw nearly fell off.

There's no possible way she's being serious right now, any second she'll break and start screaming at me how disgusting I am.

In 3...2...


Ok, she's still just staring at me...

"I...uh...I—dear, you are far too calm about this, and it's stressing me out," I said simply and her expression lifted into a smile. She lowered her arms, no longer having them crossed.

She scooted closer to me, and nudged my arm.

"There's nothing I can do to change who you were in the past..." she said softly, "there's also nothing I can really do to change who you are now," she added and shrugged.

"Plus," she said with a cheeky smile, "what am I gonna do? Call the cops?"

I laughed at that and she grabbed her phone, waving it around before putting it up to her ear upside down.

"Uh, hello? Police? Yea I have a cannibal demon serial killer ghost living in my house, can you send a trooper?"

I laughed and palmed her entire face before shoving her over into her pillows.

"I'm not a damn ghost!" I said through my laughter.

I always have so much fun with her.

She was cackling, her hair fanned out all around her as she rolled around in her pillows.

"Why did you push me over!" She giggled and I got up onto my knees.

"So I could do this," I responded, and then fell on top of her.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now