"I'll head out right now." Kara said as she hung up.

"I'm guessing you have to go." Lena said.

"Yep, we'll finish this later, I promise." Kara said.

"Looking forward to it." Lena said as Kara hurried away and left.

After Kara picked Esme up from school, she immediately took her home and as soon as they got out of the car, Esme practically attached herself to Kara's hip before she was picked up by her mother, who was very happy that Cat had agreed to give her the rest of the day off to be with her daughter, since while Cat was many things, including inconsiderate at times, she was not heartless, despite what she'd like the rest of the world to think, and since she was also a mother, Cat did understand Kara's desire to be to with her daughter after that situation. Especially after Kara promised that she'd find a way to get an exclusive interview with the hero who saved the bus. Which should be pretty easy actually, but anyways, as soon as they got out of the car, Kara picked Esme up and let her wrap her arms around her neck and carried up to their apartment.

"Are you okay baby?" Kara asked as she dropped both her purse and Esme's backpack on the floor before sitting down on the couch with her daughter in her arms.

"I was so scared." Esme said softly.

"I know baby, but don't worry, mommy will always be there to save you, just like I did today." Kara promised her.

"Are you going to be a superhero now?" Esme asked and Kara nodded.

"I don't think I have a choice since the whole world saw me wearing that costume." Kara said.

"Can I have a costume?" Esme asked with a smile and Kara laughed, happy to see a smile on her little girl's face.

"Maybe someday when you're older you've learned to control your powers a bit better." Kara said and Esme nodded, since while she wasn't saying yes, she wasn't saying no.

"But Esme, you have to remember that you can't tell anyone that I'm a superhero." Kara said, choosing not to tell Esme about how dangerous it could be right now. She'd been through enough already today.

"I promise." Esme said and Kara smiled.

"Anyways, why don't I turn on Frozen for you and then make your favorite lunch." Kara asked, since Frozen was Esme's favorite movie, considering the fact that she could never fall asleep without Kara singing let it go to her every night, and it just made Kara even more excited to be able to take Esme to see Frozen 2 when it came out, since she knew that her daughter would love it. Anyways, Esme quickly nodded her head back and forth and Kara was relieved that her cooking skills were much more improved in this universe than she did in the old one and she quickly put the movie on before going into the kitchen to make lunch while keeping an eye on Esme.

Shortly after lunch, Kara and Esme were sitting on the couch, the Suite Life of Zack and Cody playing on the tv, though it was muted as Kara worked on writing her 'interview' with Supergirl on her laptop while Esme napped with her head on Kara's chest. Normally Kara would've put Esme to bed in her room for her nap, but given the circumstances, she was making an exception.

However, she was distracted from her work when she heard knocking on the door. Luckily, it didn't wake Esme, so Kara carefully got up without waking her to make her way over to the door to find Alex waiting for her.

"What took you so long?" Kara asked her sister as she showed her in.

"Had to wait for J'onn to get back to the DEO, since yes, both mine and Kelly's memories have been restored, but that's not why I'm here." Alex said.

"You're checking on Esme." Kara said.

"Yeah, I saw the accident on the news, is she okay?" Alex asked.

"She's napping on the couch right now, but so far she's okay. You think Kelly would mind being a therapist to her? I know she already has a lot on her plate, but honestly, there's no other therapist I could trust to talk to her about this." Kara said.

"She already volunteered herself and she said she's going to stop by once her shift ends." Alex said and Kara smiled.

"Good, because this morning Esme asked if she'd be with you when the plan was originally for you to pick her up after school." Kara said and Alex smiled.

"Yeah, I still can't believe that you're a mom. And you're pretty good at it." Alex said.

"Yeah, I mean, I never really thought I'd ever be a mom, but as soon as I saw Esme, something just clicked inside me and you know she's why I became Supergirl again." Kara said.

"Yeah, I completely agree and support you on that, since Supergirl is who you've always been meant to be, but where did you get your suit so quickly?" Alex asked.

"From Lena." Kara said.

"Wait, what?" Alex asked as Kara brought her up to speed.

"And you trust her?" Alex asked.

"No, but this way I can keep an eye on her. Besides, it's a new world, which means a new start and honestly, I have enough problems without worrying about her too." Kara said.

"And if she breaks bad again?" Alex asked.

"I'll send her to the phantom zone myself." Kara said and Alex believed her.

"So, can I stick around until the squirt wakes up?" Alex asked.

"As long as you don't wake her up. She needs as much rest as she can get." Kara said and Alex nodded in agreement.

Second Chances: Supergirl - Rough DraftWhere stories live. Discover now