Chapter 57: The in-between

Start from the beginning

"He earn the king's favour. Are you really going to insult someone who is just buying time, to slowly destroy you?"

Luke mentioned, as he knows what his nephew had done and is still preparing.

"I'm sure news had spread here by now. How the 2nd prince was kicked off his rights to the throne. I'm sure, he is just hiding his fangs. And so am I."

Luke also threatened the old elder, as he turned to walk off, the elder opened his mouth to insult the archduke once more.

"You will never be a Henituse you dirty--"

"Do you have something to say, Elder Odin? Something about never being a Henituse."

A calm voice echoed from behind the old man, who turned to see the current heir of the county, with a sharp gaze.

"I do not recall you having the authority to say who is and who isn't a Henituse. As long as sir Luke is father's younger brother, whether he is only a half-brother, he is still a Henituse."

Basen calmly reveal, with the confidence and aura like his older brother has when he trying to put the dogs in their place.

"Young Master Basen. This is--"

"I should look into the situation. The Henituse County will not tolerate these kind of discrimination."

The elder just paled, as Basen strolled over to his newly revealed uncle's side.

"I welcome you to the Henituse manor, but I assume you know this place already."

"Indeed, youngling. I introduce myself."

Luke bowed as he formally introduced his real title and authority to the young heir.

"I am Archduke Luke Silvia, I greet the future heir."


"Greetings Archduke Luke Silvia, I am Basen Henituse the heir to the Henituse county."

"Why am I hearing now? Why are you a lowly --"

Before the elder could finish, the killer intent aimed at him shut him up as he shivered in the presences of the two nobles.

"Allow me to excuse myself."

With that the elder scurried away like a rat. The hall was silent for a while, before Luke snorted at the fool.

"My apologize for that, Archduke."

"Don't sweat about it, call me Luke or uncle Luke. You are impressive too. How did you know how to use killer intent? You don't look like a fighter to me."

"Ah. My brother's guard, sir Aster taught me and I tried to imitate my hyung. I didn't know Sir- I mean uncle Luke is an Archduke."

Basen mentioned as they started walking to the guest room for the other noble.

"I don't really want this title. But that damn king decides that I must be a noble, since my family did not accept me. And he grants me Archduke. What am I going to do with that?"

Luke grumbled as Basen laughed a little, but stop and composed himself. While the other just looked at him in confusion.

"You know, I don't care about formalities and etiquette, right. If you want to laugh, laugh. If you want to cry, cry. I don't give a shit about nobility... damn you Zed!!!"


Basen couldn't hold back and laughed out loud. As Luke bid his new cute nephew farewell, he went to the room to see it as extravagant as ever. But he wasn't interesting in it as there were recording devices everywhere.

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