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So the day for Eiji and Denki to come over was planned, a Sunday evening dinner. I could tell Bakugou was nervous, he kept asking for ideas on what to say and not to say. I just kept telling him that being himself would be better than trying to fake it, then when making dinner he constantly had me taste test since he wanted it to be perfect.

Then the doorbell went, it scared my nervous blonde boyfriend. He accidentally set off his quirk, I then panicked since there was a fire. I then shouted, "It's open, come in!" I heard the door open, I continued to help put out the fire as Eiji and Denki came into the kitchen.

"What happened?" Eiji asked as he watched Bakugou and I scramble around the kitchen.

"Someone is pretty nervous, the doorbell scared him and he set off his quirk," I told them and Denki laughed a bit.

"Bakugou? Nervous? Are you serious? That's funny," Denki said and I froze. I looked at Bakugou and he instantly seemed down, Eiji and Denki quickly noticed. They both seemed shocked, I took the last bowl of water I had and dumped it on the fire which was able to put it out.

"Kacchan..." I said as I rubbed his back.

"No, I'm ok... I knew they would say that," he said as he began cooking again.

"Still..." I said with concern clear in my voice.

"I'm sorry about my comment, Ei and I will be in the living room," Denki said as he dragged a surprised redhead to the living room. I quickly hugged Bakugou from behind, he melted in my hold. It seemed that he needed a hug, I let go and rubbed his back again.

"Look, it's going to be difficult at first since they only see the past you. But I know that you've changed, I know better than anyone. So, go out there and talk to them, I'll finish making dinner," I told him and he took a deep breath as he turned to face me.

I rubbed his arms, "I know you're right but it's so... hard to go out there," he said as he looked down which made him put his forehead on mine.

"Fine, I'll just have to make you go out there," I said as I stood behind him and pushed him to the living room. I then forced him to sit down, "Now talk and stop being a wuss."

"Wha-WHAT?! I am not a wuss!" he shouted at me as I walked to the kitchen.

"You're sure acting like one," I said as I began working on dinner again. I could hear them from the kitchen but they weren't speaking, I could tell that it was awkward for all of them. They were all once friends but now they're very distant from each other, it was sad to see.

"So... how have you been Bakugou?" Denki decided to ask.

"Oh... um, alright. What about you two, I heard that you two got together in our last year of high school," Bakugou spoke confidently but I could tell that he was still nervous on the inside.

"That's right, we've been doing great. Right, Ei?" Denki answered.

Eiji didn't respond, I didn't know what was going on. "Can we stop with this, it's pathetic. Bakugou what are your intentions with my brother?" Eiji said and I sighed.

"I was wondering when you'd bring that up... but I have no bad intentions whatsoever with your brother. I know my actions in the past don't help you to believe me but I'm trying to have people that knew me in high school change their view on me, Izuku seemed to have seen instantly that I changed which was why he didn't hesitate to make me a support item. And I want you two to see that too, since you two plus Mina and Sero were... my first real friends," Bakugou said and I smiled a bit.

"How are you going to make me believe you, you put me through shit you know!" Eiji yelled.

"Hey, Eijirou. Calm down, he wants us to hear him out. Just listen, please," Denki said and I heard Eiji grunt.

"Um, thank you Kaminari," Bakugou said, there was then a pause. "Well, after the whole thing in the lab happened... I was by myself. I spent some time under Best Jeanist, he tried to teach me manners but obviously, that didn't work out. Then he got injured and took time off from being a hero, so I didn't have a hero to do my hero studies with. Then Todoroki told me to join him and his dad, so I did. Then because of me a sidekick of Endeavors' got severely injured, so I wanted to change," Bakugou told them.

"Oh..." Denki said.

"I also want you to know Kirishima, that the instant I left that lab... I felt really bad. I never went near the support classes ever again, I also avoided you and the group as much as I could. Whenever I was teamed up with one of you I would skip class... I tried everything I could so you all didn't have to be around me. I didn't apologize because I was still an egotistic bastard, so I wanna apologize now. I'm so sorry for what I did to you Kirishima and I'm sorry I kept making fun of you Kaminari," Bakugou said and I softly smiled as I plated the food.

It was silent for quite a while, it made me nervous. But Eiji spoke, "That sounds like bullshit. But I know it's fucking true and it bothers me, you have a kind heart but a rough exterior. I've known that since I've met you, now you're even apologizing. And trying to have me believe you so you and my brother can be happily together, I know you and my brother love each other... a lot. I knew that my brother liked you when we were in our first year, I did too which is why confessed to you right away. I can forgive you, but you better treat my brother right. If I hear anything bad, I will hunt you down! Got it?"

"Yes, of course," Bakugou said instantly.

"I also forgive you Bakugou, I knew that you were joking. Sometimes it hurt but I would get over it pretty quick, but I appreciate your apology," Denki said and I could tell he was smiling.

"Dinner's ready!" I shouted as I finished setting the table. After their conversation the night went perfectly, there were no problems, they all caught up. Bakugou learned that his only friend (Todoroki) was dating Sero, he figured that Todoroki didn't tell him because of his past. And Mina has a girlfriend which is a girl named Uraraka. I'm happy for her and I hoped to see them soon.

After we had a small cake for dessert, we chatted more and I was happy and Eiji seemed happy because I was. Then Eiji and Denki left, they said that we'll see them soon. So I took it that we would have more dinners together, which I wouldn't mind.

Bakugou and I then went to bed, he seemed happy and so was I. It was a nice visit and we have my brother's approval, I'm relieved. Bakugou and I then fell asleep in each other's arms.


Word count: 1243

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