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After a week at UA I completed Eijirou's support item, I had some malfunctions and difficulties but I finished. Eijirou really liked it and found it more comfortable than he thought, I was just pleased that I could make something a hero could use... a hero that's my brother which is cooler. I also enjoyed that I got to see my brother more often since we don't go to the same school anymore, he also seemed happy about it.

The day that I finished I met up with Eijirou at the gate, he had Kaminari with him. "Hey, Midoriya! I'm coming over! I hope you don't mind," Kaminari said as he wrapped his arm around my neck.

"Oh, that's fine. We can play games together!" I said and he smiled.

"You bet!" he shouted and the three of us walked home together. When we got home Noriko was home and she got off the couch when we got home, "Hello, Mrs. Kirishima!"

"Hi Denki, if you don't mind I need to steal Izuku from you two for a while," she said and Kaminari and Eijirou both nodded and went upstairs. I then followed Noriko to the living room, she didn't seem mad but I could tell she had something to tell me.

"Did I do something wrong, Noriko?" I asked as I sat down.

"No! Of course, you didn't," she said and I waited for her to go on. "I got a call from UA this morning, we have a meeting with some of the teachers including the principal to possibly have you transfer in next year!"

"What?!" I shouted in shock.

"I know! I was shocked too when I got the call. Apparently, the hero Power Loader took a liking to you and talked to the principal about having you transfer to the support class. The principal didn't say anything until he saw the final product of Eiji's support item, he was very impressed! So tomorrow we've been asked to come in and talk about a transfer, what do you think?" Noriko said and my eyes were wide in shock.

"Sounds amazing! But I'll be transferring in my third year and the class will be ahead of me, then I also have my friends from my school now..." I trailed off.

"I know sweetie but at the meeting tomorrow we can talk to them about you being behind and... your friends. Well, you have their number plus a new phone so you can still stay in contact. You should do what you think will be best for you and your future, I'm not trying to pressure you or anything. Just think about it," she told me and I nodded.

I then went upstairs and quickly told Eijirou and Kaminari about the news, Eijirou was overjoyed about the news and Kaminari was also happy to hear the news too. They decided to let me choose the game we were going to play, I just chose Mario Kart.

The next day I tried to find clothes that look good, I then got help from Eijirou and Kaminari who slept over it was Saturday after all. Both Irisa and Noriko didn't have work which means both are going to be there, so I knew they had my back if things didn't sound great.

When we got there Aizawa was waiting for us at the gate, I instantly looked at Noriko who glared at Aizawa and looked away. Aizawa then rolled his eyes and sighed, "You need to get over this Nori, Shota had nothing to do with it. How do you think Izuku feels, he's good friends with Hitoshi," Irisa said and Noriko grunted.

"Well... since I was here for a week I got to see Aizawa and Shinsou," I added on and Irisa shushed me.

"Noriko needs to understand Aizawa had nothing to do with her mother's death," Irisa whispered and I nodded.

"I apologize, Noriko, I'm a hero and couldn't save your mother. I'm sorry," Aizawa said as he bowed.

"I guess... it's in the past now. I forgive you," Noriko said and both mine and Irisa's eyes widened.

"That was fast," Irisa said and Noriko laughed a bit.

"It has been three years since the incident," Noriko said we all nodded. Aizawa then handed us visitor passes, we then followed him into the school. He took us to a meeting room, there were a bunch of heroes there.

"Ah, Midoriya you did great work on Kirishima's support items," Power Loader said as he smiled at me.

"Thank you, sir," I said with a bow as I sat down between Irisa and Noriko.

"So I assume your Kirishima's mothers and Midoriya's as well," the principal said.

"Yes, we are," Noriko said and I just sat quietly and listened.

"Great, I'm going to explain more of how the transfer will work. When Midoriya comes next year there will be no worrying of him being behind," the principal started to explain.

"Can I ask how?" Noriko asked and Power Loader then took over.

"Since we're a school that works directly with anything heroic the support class is structured differently. In the mornings you'll have regularly scheduled classes that Midoriya does now at his school, the afternoon is for lab work. And each lab assignment given to students is different from one another, this is because certain students wanna progress in making quirk-specific support items. For example, I have a student named Hatsume and she just makes anything for anyone so I give her assignments for anything. While some want to just work with shoot-type quirks so I give them assignments of shoot-type quirk support items. So, Midoriya will not be behind because he'll be getting the same education as before and will not fall behind his class when it comes to lab work," Power Loader explained.

"Wow, when they say UA is the top hero school they don't lie. That's a neat setup, but I'm concerned that when Izuku graduates he won't get a job right away since no one will know who he is," Irisa stated.

"No need to worry, we have the UA Sports Festival and as third years the support class get to have stands that lead into the stadium to show off their work and possibly be scouted by companies," the principal said and Noriko looked at me.

"It doesn't sound bad so... Izuku what do you think?" Irisa asked me.

"I can't deny that this is a great opportunity and I'm glad to know that I won't be behind when I transfer, so I'll gladly take this opportunity," I said and the principal smiled at me.

"Great! We now have some paperwork to go over," he said as he handed my mother's papers. It took a while to do the paperwork and so when we got home it was dinner, it seemed that Eijirou made us dinner too. We were all surprised to find it edible, that's when we learned he made it based on a recipe. We were thankful that he looked at a recipe, last time he made food without a recipe... everyone had to stay home the next day.


Word count: 1199

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