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The sounds of pencils scribbling on paper filled my ears, I glanced over at the other person's paper. "Oh, that's wrong. Here let me show you," I said as I pointed to an answer on their paper. They look at it then at me, they look at it again.

"Can you show me how to do it properly then?" Uchimura said as I smiled and stood up. I sat down beside her and started showing her how to get the right answer. I glanced at her and could tell she was blushing from how close I was to her, we were going out for a month now.

She looked at me when she noticed I went quiet, her white eyes seemed soft as I moved closer to her. She closed her eyes as I was ready to kiss her but someone had to knock on my door, Uchimura sighed in disappointment. I stood up and open my door, "Eiji, what's up?" I asked as I looked over his shoulder to find Bakugou behind him.

"Just letting you know that Bakugou's over and I see you have Uchimura with you, hey!" Eijirou shouts while he waved at Uchimura.

"Hi, Kirishima," Uchimura said with a forced smile.

"Thanks for telling me and hello Bakugou," I said as I waved at the blonde. He waved back and I closed the door, I turned around and Uchimura was right in front of me. "Oh, Chizu. You can go sit back down again, I'll be right there."

"Izuku... do you have... to you know?" Uchimura started to say and I looked at her confused.

"What?" I looked at her confused and she sighed.

"Suck up to your brother so much, you two aren't even related," she said and my eyes widened.

"Huh?" I asked in confusion. 

"I always try to come over when he isn't here because you always run off to go do whatever with him, I just want you to pay attention to me," she said as she hugged me but I quickly moved away.

"You want me to ignore my brother to pay more attention to you since we're not related?" I asked to make sure I was hearing things right.

"Yes, that's right!" she said in a happy voice.

I sighed as I opened my door, "Leave," I said as I pointed out the door.

"What?" she asked confused.

"I said leave," I said and she walked out with her things. I walked her to the front door she put her shoes on and looked at me, she opened her mouth to say something. I interrupted her, "You don't come into my house and talk rudely about my brother. I don't care if you're my girlfriend, I cannot accept you saying such words about Eiji, understand?"

"What? But you-" she started to say.

"Don't come to me unless you want to apologize," I said and she gasped.

"Am I really not that important to you?" she asked and I nodded my head.

"Yes, so get out," I said and she glared at me.

"I-" she started to say again.

"Get out!" I shouted and she quickly left. I groaned as I slammed the door shut, I then looked at the staircase where Eijirou and Bakugou were staring at me.

"That looked fun," Bakugou stated as Eijirou elbowed his side.

"What happened Izu?" Eijirou asked as I slid against the wall with my head in my hands. Eijirou then walked over to me and hugged me, Bakugou then walked over too but just stood in front of me.

"Chizu told me to ignore you and pay closer attention to her and only her pretty much, it was rude and I couldn't accept it no matter what!" I said and Eijirou hugged me tighter. 

"I never liked her in the first place," Bakugou said, Eijirou and I both chuckled.

"Wanna play video games with me and Bakugou in my room?" Eijirou suggested and I thought for a moment.

"Sure, why not!" I said and I stood up along with Eijirou. We went to his room and played video games, it took my mind off everything that happened with Uchimura. We gamed for about an hour when Eijirou decided we needed snacks as we gamed, so it was just me and Bakugou in the room.

I glanced at the blonde and he was on his phone, I then looked at the gaming controller in my hand. I then looked back at Bakugou, "Do you normally game with Eiji when you two hang out?" I asked him.

"Yeah, it's the only thing he thinks of," Bakugou said and I nodded. We then went quiet again, he didn't go on his phone again. We just sat in silence, "Are you breaking up with that girl?"

"Huh? Oh... not yet, I wanna see if she'll apologize first," I said and he groaned. I looked at him and his ruby-red eyes were glaring daggers at me, I was confused as to why he was mad.

"You're going to give her a second chance, how lame. She said some rude-ass things about your brother and you think it's right to give her a second chance," he said and my eyes widened. He then said something more but I couldn't hear it, so I ignored it.

"Well... maybe I won't give her a second chance, but I still wanna hear an apology," I said and we left the conversation at that. Eijirou then came back not too long after our conversation ended, he set down the plate of snacks he got.

"What were you two talking about while I was gone?" Eijirou asked as he grabbed his controller.

"Not much, just about my situation with Chizu," I told him and he nodded. We then began to game again but this time we had snacks, I then stopped gaming for a while since I needed to study. It wasn't long after I started studying again in my room when I heard a knock on my door, "Yeah?"

"It's just me," Eijirou said as he entered my room. He sat down across from me and looks at my study materials, "Ew the world wars..." he said and I laughed. He laughed as well, I could tell he wanted to say something. "Bakugou just left..." he trailed off.

"What's on your mind? You wanna say something, right?" I asked him and he looked away. I gave him time, whenever he wanted to talk to me about something important I gave him as much time as he needed. He took some deep breaths, that's when I realized that whatever he wanted to say must've been bothering him.

"I think I like Bakugou," he said and my eyes widened. "I'm thinking of confessing to him... but I don't know how or when. Can you help me, Izu?" I was a bit saddened, I liked Bakugou a bit too. However, I still had Uchimura... I did wanna try to get with Bakugou if I broke up with her. But I'm not going to ruin this for my brother, he deserves him more than I do.

"Go for it! Maybe after school one day pull him aside and tell him your feelings, it may be scary since you're confessing to a guy but try it! You won't know until you try, right?" I said and Eijirou nodded.

"Your the best brother I could ask for!" Eijirou said as he hugged me tightly. "Now... since you're the best brother ever, could you help me study?"

"Why were you playing video games if you needed to study?" I asked him and he chuckled.

"Because video games are fun while studying isn't!" he said confidently and I groaned. For the rest of the evening I helped Eijirou study, it helped me study too so I didn't mind. Then when Noriko and Irisa came home they made us dinner and brought it up to us, we were very thankful. Eijirou then fell asleep on my bed so I moved him to the side of the bed while I made myself comfortable with the small space left, I then fell asleep.


Word count: 1363

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