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"Do I still like you?" Bakugou asked since he wanted to make sure he heard me right.

"Yep, that's what I'm asking," I told him and he looked to the side. He scratched the back of his neck, he seemed nervous.

"What if I said... I do?" Bakugou asked in a quiet voice. I stayed quiet, I think that made him more nervous. His leg was shaking as he waited for my response, I had to think. If he did what would happen next? Do I like him? But... I'm so confused.

"So... do you or do you not?" I asked since I wanted to hear a clear answer.

"Uh..." Bakugou trailed off. I think he was thinking of what answer would result in a good outcome, "I do, I still like you Midoriya. When I found you at your work I thought I could have another chance, but then I learned you had someone in your life. But then... you know what happened, so I thought I could get closer to you and express my feelings differently than I did in high school."

"Oh... I see, I don't think I can give you an answer right now. Can I think about it?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Of course you can, you can take as long as you need to think," Bakugou told me and I softly smiled. "But what brought you to ask that? Weren't you having dinner with Shinsou?"

"Yeah, I brought up that we're living together and I said somethings about you. Then Shinsou just told me that he believes you still like me, so I ran here to confirm if that was true or not. Which now I know is true," I said and stood up. "I'm going to go to my room and have an early night, goodnight Kacchan."

Bakugou stood up to give me another goodnight hug, I was about to decline but for some reason... I couldn't. I hugged him back and like always it felt very comfortable in his arms, he let me go and I went into my room. I fell onto my bed and thoughts ran through my head, I didn't know what to do.

For the whole week, I thought long and hard about what I should do, while at work I thought about it, on the way home I thought about it, during dinner, while I fell asleep, breakfast... just about all day. But I finally made a decision and I was sure it was the right decision, I wasn't sure if it was because I wanted to feel love again but... I choose to go out with him.

When I told he seemed beyond happy, he even accidentally used his quirk because he was so happy. He then planned dates around our schedules, he also promised that we would go at my pace. He was being very considerate, I made the right choice.

Two weeks went by fast, we had several dates. Movie theaters, restaurants, walks in a park, lunch at a cafe, even relaxing at home. I enjoyed it and it was fun, I was really happy spending my time with Bakugou. But he was being too cautious, while watching a movie he tried to hold my hand for a bit but quickly pulled away. It was like that all the time when it came to physical things, even our goodnight hugs.

I got sick of it and while watching a movie at home I held his hand, he tried to pull away but I made sure he couldn't. I then leaned my head on his shoulder, I watched the movie like that. Bakugou was stiff at first but he soon put his head on mine, it made my heart flutter... I didn't tell him that (he would've probably gotten all cocky about it).

After that night we began doing more physical things, holding hands whenever we could, hugging each other quite a lot, cuddling while watching something. We were slowly getting closer and closer, but not close enough to kiss. But my time with Bakugou was really great, I even started to want to leave work early just so I could cuddle with him.

But one day on the weekend I got a call from Eiji, it instantly made me nervous. I haven't talked to him in quite a while and haven't told him about what happened with me and Iwasaki, so when I answered a shaky "Hello Eiji," came from my voice.

Bakugou was next to me and looked confused, I'm sure he wanted to know why I was nervous. "Izuku Midoriya! Where the hell are you? I went to Iwasaki's place and turned out you two broke up, so where the hell are you?" Eiji yelled at me over the phone. I'm pretty sure Bakugou heard since he looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Um... how about we meet up for dinner at the restaurant near your place, ok? I'll explain everything," I told him. There was a long pause, I'm sure he was trying to control his anger.

"Fine, I want every detail down to what you had every night for dinner, got it?" Eiji asked.

"Right, I'll see you soon Eiji," I said and hung up. I looked at Bakugou and he opened his arms, I quickly fell into him. "Is it alright if I tell Eiji? He's pretty concerned about me and I'm positive I can convince him that you're better now."

"Do what you think is right, I'll support your decision no matter what," Bakugou said and I smiled as I held him tighter.

"Thank you, Kacchan. Well, I won't be having dinner here tonight, sorry about that," I said and he ruffled my hair.

"That's fine, Izu," he said and I got off the couch. I went to my room and got dressed in better clothes, I then stepped out and Bakugou smirked. "You look very handsome in those clothes."

"Oh, shut it... I'm just going to see my brother but I should still look good. Ok, I'm going to leave now since it'll take some time to get there from your place," I said as I walked over to the front door. Bakugou followed me, I put my shoes on and walked over to Bakugou.

I got on my toes and kissed his cheek, my face went red and so did his. "Wha-" Bakugou started to say but I didn't want to deal with the confrontation.

"I'll see you later, Kacchan," I said as I quickly left his place. I made my way to the train station, I took a train to get to Eiji's neighborhood. I then made it to the restaurant, I saw that Eiji was already there.

"Hey... Eiji," I said nervously as I sat down.

"You need to explain everything, now," Eiji demanded and I took a deep breath.

Happy New Year's! I hope the best for everyone in 2022, I have more stories to come in the new year and I can't wait to share them all. Virgo 100%✎

Word count: 1183

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