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So, I'm sure many of you are questioning when I got together with Bakugou. Since this story is about Bakugou and I getting together, I'll start where we reconnected. As you all know I got a lot of business from Eijirou spreading word about my new company but then the heroes he sent to me started to spread word too, soon I had too many heroes coming to my company.

I finally got another support item engineer, can you guess who? Hatsume, of course! When I told her I needed someone she offered herself right away, I couldn't say no to an amazing engineer like herself. 

Now we have a system at my company, if a hero needs a quirk-related item they come to me and if they need anything else they go to Hatsume. It's common for heroes to go to support companies for anything but quirk-related items, for example, someone with an eye quirk (like Koide) might need a weapon or something to fly with. Those people will go to Hatsume, while people who need something to support the impact of their quirk (like Eijirou) will come to me.

That's how my company runs, I find that it works wonders! Now, how I reunited with Bakugou. It was a regular day just like the others, woke up, made breakfast for Iwasaki and I, had a shower, got dressed, said bye to Iwasaki, and finally went to work. When I got there I put my bag in my lab and went back to the reception desk, my receptionist doesn't come until later since I tend to not have many clients in the morning.

I looked through my schedule on the computer and I had a few appointments in the morning, I stretched with a groan. I then got up and went back into my lab and looked around, I decided to take out my most commonly used tools. I then walked back out just as my first appointment walked through the door, "Hello and wel- Bakugou?" I said as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, you," he said and he kind of smiled at me. "It's good to see you again after all these years."

"Do I know you? You're being... nice," I said and he chuckled.

"I guess I've changed since the last time we saw each other," he said and I nodded.

"That's for sure... so, what brings you here?" I asked and he sat across from me. I could tell that he had become the hero he wanted to be, I could see scars and his eyes looked tired. His hair was shorter but still spiky, then his hero costume was messy... it was as if he hadn't cleaned it since the first time he put it on.

"Well, I heard that this place makes the best support items and I'm guessing that you make them... am I wrong?" he asked and I nodded. "Great, I need to make adjustments to my gauntlets, I'm beginning to notice that they're too bulky for my fast movements. If it's possible could I get them modelled smaller but capable of doing the same thing?"

"I can do that, if you could just give me the gauntlets I can start working on them right away and have them to you in three days or less," I told him and he took off the gauntlets then gave them to me.

"Thank you, Midoriya. Oh, if possible... could you tell Kirishima I wanna talk to him. For your knowledge, I wanna apologize for the past. Which means I'm apologizing to you too, I'm sorry Midoriya," he said as he bowed.

"You really have changed, I'll accept your apology. I'll tell Eiji you want to speak to him but it's his choice if he wants to talk to you or not," I told him and he kind of smiled again.

"Thanks," he said. I then examined his gauntlets, just like he said they were bulky and would restrict movement. I then took a screwdriver and opened them, I looked at the technology that's used. It was simple but it was what made the gauntlet so big, I'll have to use complicated technology to make it smaller.

"The only problem is that if you wanna go smaller it won't hold as much as these would," I told him as I pointed at his big gauntlets.

"I know, it's why it took me some time to make a decision and I wanna go with a smaller design," Bakugou told me.

Love Develops Over Time | A BakuDeku Story |Where stories live. Discover now