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After that evening being around Bakugou was a bit awkward, I went to work like I normally did but I didn't do so great at work. I kept messing up everything I was working on. Then when I was going home I almost went to Iwasaki's place, luckily when I got to Bakugou's place he was on the night shift.

So I sat on the couch and cried, I don't know how long I was crying for but when I heard the front door open I quickly stood up. I rushed to the room I was staying in, Bakugou seemed to already notice that I ran away. He knocked on the door to my room, I didn't respond since I thought he would just walk away but he didn't. He walked in and saw my red and puffy eyes, he held his arms open.

I understood what he meant and hugged him as I cried more, once my tears finally stopped I removed myself from the hug. He then asked what my favourite thing to eat was so I told him Katsudon, he made me Katsudon that night. We then watched movies together until midnight came, we then went to bed.

I felt a bit better during that and when I fell asleep I didn't cry or anything, I had a peaceful sleep. After that, things started to slowly get better. I did my work properly after a week of screwing up and having to have Hatsume help me, she then made me clean up the labs since she was helping my screw-ups.

The awkwardness between Bakugou and I went down over time, when a month was up Bakugou prevented me from leaving the house. It took me some time to understand why he did that but I do now, so I stayed more than a month since my mental health wasn't good enough. I was still at his house and it was actually pretty fun, Bakugou was always very cautious of coming near me... for obvious reasons.

But there was one thing that bothered me, Bakugou's personality did a whole 180 since high school. He didn't even get angry anymore, not even at something a regular person would get angry at. It was starting to confuse me, he could have a little anger in his life.

So, one day when Bakugou got home after his shift on the weekend, I brought it up. "Hey, Bakugou... can we talk?" I asked and he looked at me.

"You're not going to try and leave again, are you?" Bakugou asked.

"No, but I still feel like a burden," I told him while looking down.

"You're fine, I actually like having the company. But what is it?" Bakugou asked as he sat beside me on the couch.

"You've changed drastically since high school... what happened exactly?" I asked, a bit hesitant.

"Oh, I was wondering when you would bring that up... I guess I should tell you, it'll help you trust me more. Right?" he asked and I nodded. "Ok, so when I was younger my mom told me many things about being confident and sticking up for yourself and stuff like that. But I'm pretty sure I took it the wrong way when I was younger, I bullied kids so I could feel like I was sticking up for myself. Then my quirk came and I just began to be a cocky prick, I hated that about myself. Then at UA, I met Kirishima who tried to help me seal that anger and be more heroic."

"Which then I assume he asked you out after all that and you said yes because you were bored, then you met me and-" I started to say and he looked down which made me stop mid-sentence.

"That's right, I did and said bad things to you and Kirishima. But I will say that my feelings for you were real, but when you pushed me away that last time I was heartbroken but I understood why you did that... it's why I walked away so easily. After that I became more reserved, I didn't have any friends for the rest of high school. Well, Todoroki seemed to think of me as a friend but I kept telling him not to get involved with me," he told me more.

"I knew you were heartbroken, it's why I told Eiji and Denki not to tell the teachers about what happened. And I'm sorry you lost your friends, but Todoroki? Like Shoto Todoroki? Endeavor's son?" I asked in curiosity.

"Yep, I went to Endeavor's agency with Todoroki. I learned a lot at that agency, that's actually where I learned that anger isn't good for a hero. An incident happened when I was on a mission with one of Endeavor's sidekicks, I was too focused with anger on the main target that the sidekick got injured. So I decided to go to anger management therapy, it wasn't easy since my anger was in the extreme category. That's how became like I am today," he seemed to of finished.

"Are you still going to anger management?" I asked.

"Yep, I still get angry and so I go to anger management to conceal it," he told me and I pouted. Bakugou notice and became confused, "Why are you pouting?"

"I'm happy that you went and sought out help but... I feel like you lost yourself in this change," I told him and he became even more confused.

"What do you mean, I'm pretty sure I'm still Katsuki Bakugou," he said in a sarcastic tone.

"No, I believe that Katsuki Bakugou had a kind and good-natured heart. He would defeat the enemy with nothing but a smirk, he was never good at expressing himself but when he needed to he would. That's the Katsuki Bakugou that I feel is missing from this Katsuki Bakugou, I believe that you can put this new Katsuki Bakugou with who you used to be to make the one and only Katsuki Bakugou... right?" I told him.

His red eyes were wide in shock, he couldn't believe what I just told him. Someone who he hurt in the past just told him to bring back a bit of his past self, he was in utter shock. "Bakugou, I'll leave this to your decision but I'll have you know one thing. Everyone becomes angry once in a while, everyone has confidence in themselves... it's just a matter of how you express it."

None of you would have guessed how long it took me to write this part, I struggled to write it so bad! But I finally did it! I would write three paragraphs, stop, erase, rewrite, stop, erase, and repeat. It was so bad but now I can finally carry on to the rest of the story since I finally got over this giant hill of writers block! Virgo 100%✎

Word count: 1155

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