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"Good to see you too Eiji..." I said nervously. Eiji crossed his arms as he glared at me, I knew he wanted me to get straight to the point. I just needed to prepare myself, I didn't know how he would react.

"Get to it, tell me everything," Eiji said and I sighed.

"Ok, so a few months ago-" I started to tell him.

"A few months ago and you haven't told me until now?!" Eiji shouted which got us unneeded attention.

"Yes... I'm sorry but you'll understand when I tell you. So a few months ago at my work, I met Bakugou again, you know that. Well, when he picked up his new support item we decided to have dinner together, I told him about the problems Iwasaki and I were having. He gave me some advice and said that if anything bad happened he'll be there to help, which was nice of him. I know you're going to say I should go to you for help... but you would've killed Iwasaki for what he did," I told my redhead brother.

"Depends on what he did," Eiji told me.

"Well, a friend of Iwasaki's saw me and Bakugou and thought that I was cheating on Iwasaki, that's what they told Iwasaki. So when I got home he was mad at me and wouldn't believe my explanation, then he told me he didn't wanna be with me anymore. He then said there was someone better in his life and it turned out he was cheating on me with Yazawa, I then packed up and left. Bakugou picked me up and let me stay at his house until I got somewhere else to live," I told Eiji and he looked shocked.

"I'm wanna kill that son of a bitch, how dare he do that to my cute and adorable little brother. And Yazawa... she should've known better, I'm actually thankful to Bakugou for once," Eiji said as he seemed to of calmed down. "Where are you living now?"

There was the question I dreaded, I took a deep breath. "I'm still living with Bakugou," I told him.

"What? Why? I thought you were moving out in a month, it's been three months!" Eiji said and I nervously chuckled.

"I know, I wanted to leave in the first month but he told me I shouldn't since my mental health wasn't good after the breakup. I agreed since I also wasn't in a financially stable time," I told him and he nodded in understanding.

"Why didn't you come to my place after a month? You know me and Denks would be happy to give you a roof over your head until you move," Eiji told me.

"I know but you two don't have a lot of space in your apartment, I didn't want to take up a lot of space," I told him and he sighed knowing I was right.

"Ok... I can tell there is more you're not telling me, considering you haven't told me about a plan to move out. What else is there?" he asked me.

"Well... it's the reason I'm very nervous right now," I said and Eiji became confused. I took some time to get my thoughts together, "The reason why I haven't planned to move out of Bakugou's house is because... we're dating."

Eiji seemed to of froze, his eyes were very wide and I was pretty sure he didn't know whether to be concerned or angry. "You... and Bakugou?" he asked and I nodded. "But he did that shit to you in high school... he's an asshole, why are you dating him?"

"I know what he did in high school was wrong and so does he, he's very sorry for that. And he's not an asshole anymore, he went to anger management and knows when things he's done or is doing are wrong. Trust me on that Eiji, I really like him... I got to know him since I've been living with him. I was very nervous about telling you since... you mean a lot to me, I want your approval," I told him pretty fast.

Eiji took some time to himself to think, that was also when our food came. Eiji continued not to tell me anything as we ate, it just made my nerves worse. When we finished eating, Eiji finally spoke. "I suppose I can accept that but I need to talk with Bakugou, I need to see with my own eyes that he has changed," he told me.

I smiled a wide smile, I got up and hugged Eiji. "Thank you, Eiji! You're the best brother ever!" I said as I hugged him tighter.

"Aw, I just want you happy Izu," he said and I went back to my seat.

"I am now, thank you Eiji," I said with a big smile.

"Ok, it's getting late. Denks is waiting for me to get back, I'll talk to you soon about meeting up with you and Bakugou," Eiji said as we left the restaurant.

"Ok, I'll tell Kacchan," I said.

"Kacchan?" Eiji asked.

"Yep, it's my nickname for Bakugou," I said with a smile.

"Ok, well tell him and I'll let Denks know. See you soon, Izu," Eiji said as he hugged me.

"Bye, Eiji," I said as I let go of the hug. I then left for the train station, I took the train back to Bakugou's house. Once I got home, Bakugou got off the couch and gave me a big hug.

"How did it go?" he asked.

"Really good! He's going to come over sometime soon since he wants to make sure with his own two eyes that you're a better person now," I told him as I hugged him back.

"Oh boi, I'm going to have to prepare myself for a staredown, won't I?" he asked and I nodded. "Well then, I'm going to need cuddles right now." I laughed as he picked me up and dropped me on the couch, he laid down on top of me.

We stayed like that for a while, then we both agreed we wanted to go to sleep. Bakugou decided that he wanted me to sleep with him (not in a dirty way, you dirty-minded readers), I agreed. I crawled into bed with him after putting PJ's on, he pulled me closer and I felt so happy in his arms.

He then kissed me on my lips and I looked at him in shock, "That's what you get for just leaving me with a kiss on the cheek," he said and I rolled my eyes. I kissed him on the lips too and then snuggled into his chest, both of us soon fell asleep.


Word count: 1126

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