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After graduation I started working full-time at the place I had an internship with, it was hard but I knew what I was doing so it made it fun. I also hung out with Iwasaki more too, it was fun since Eijirou was getting busy with hero work. But one day when he came over he did something that I found was unexpected from him.

I got home from a rough day of work, I had two inventions explode on me, one started leaking, another didn't fit the hero I made it for, and then a co-worker was going on vacation so I was getting their clients for a week or more. I was exhausted, then I got home to the smell of curry and I almost melted from the smell. That was when I knew Iwasaki was there, his shoes were another giveaway.

"Welcome home, Midoriya!" Iwasaki shouted from the kitchen.

"Smells great Iwasaki!" I shouted back.

"Thank you... you look like shit," he said as he peeked around the corner at me.

"I know," I said with a sigh.

"Rough day?" he asked and I nodded. "Nothing that a good plate of curry can't fix!"

"True," I said as he ruffled my hair and quickly retracted his hand from it. "Yep... I'm very dirty. I'll go bath and join you for dinner after."

"You go do that... I'm going to wash my hands," he said and I laughed. I went upstairs and saw Noriko leave her and Irisa's room, she gasped when she saw me.

"You look... rough," she said as she looked me up and down.

"Oh, I know. I'm going to go bath and I'll be down to have dinner with you and Iwasaki," I said and she smiled.

"Great and doesn't his curry smell delectable!" she said and I chuckled since I could practically see her drooling.

"It does which is why I want to take a quick bath," I said and she then left as I went into my room. I dropped off my bag and then left my room to go to the bathroom, I start a bath and get undressed from my dirty clothes. I hopped in the bath and hummed as the warm water hit my body, coming home to the smell of curry and getting into a warm bath... my stress from work vanished.

After my bath I went downstairs and ate dinner with Iwasaki and Noriko, the curry tasted even better than it smelled. After dinner I cleaned up and went upstairs with Iwasaki, he laid down on my bed as I sat at my desk. "Mind if I stay over tonight?" Iwasaki asked and I turned to him.

"I don't mind," I said and he smiled. I then pulled some papers out of my bag from work, I started working on those as Iwasaki played on his phone. When I finished I sat on the floor in front of my bed and played on my phone too.

"Oh, I completely forgot why I came over today," Iwasaki suddenly said as he put his phone aside.

"To make curry?" I questioned and he laughed.

"No, I need to ask you a question," he said and I stood up. He made room for me on my bed so I sat beside him, "So, I wanna move closer to the university I'll be going to soon. I was thinking that maybe you and I could be roomies since my university is near your work, what do you think?"

"Oh... wow, I need to think about that," I said and he chuckled.

"Don't take too long, I have a month before school starts so I wanna move into a place before that," he said and I nodded. "Wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure," I said and we put a movie on my TV. As we were watching the movie I started falling asleep, as my eyes closed my head fell onto Iwasaki's shoulder. I could tell he was shocked but I was tired, he then adjusted himself so I would be more comfortable on his shoulder.

After the movie Iwasaki woke me up, I yawned and looked at Iwasaki. He laughed, "You have some drool here Midoriya," he said as he pointed to the corner of his mouth. I blushed from embarrassment and looked away while wiping my mouth but Iwasaki made me look back at him, "It's cute."

I blushed from his comment and how close he was to me, my high school feelings for Iwasaki came back like a flood. He looked me in my eyes, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He suddenly gently grabbed my face and pulled me closer to him, he then closed the distance between us.

His lips were soft as they connected to mine, I've wanted this for so long that I just melted. Our lips moved in sync and when he pulled away I wanted to pull him back for more, I resisted the urge. He looked at me and I could see the love and care in his eyes, I softly smiled up at him. "I liked that..." I trailed off in a slightly quiet voice.

His eyes widened a bit and he instantly hugged me, "Then will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?" he asked me.

"Yes, of course!" I responded and he quickly got off the bed and jumped around.

"YES! YES! YES!" he shouted and I laughed.

"SHUT IT, YOU TWO! I'm trying to sleep!" we heard Noriko yell. We both laughed and Iwasaki tackled me in a hug, I hugged him back.

"I've been wanting to ask you out for a while but... I've been dreading getting rejected. I'm so happy you said yes!" he said as our hug soon turned into cuddles.

"Well... I've had a crush on you since the first year of high school, so why wouldn't I say yes?" I said and his eyes widened.

"The first year of high school?!" he said in shock.

"Yeah," I said as he stared at me in bewilderment.

"Sorry to make you wait," he said as he kissed my forehead.

"It's alright, you and Yazawa were happy and I didn't want to interfere," I said and he sighed.

"I feel bad though," he said with a pout and I chuckled.

"Don't, we're going on a date tomorrow, right?" I said and he nodded. "Well, it turned out good. I had to wait a while but I still got a date with you."

"You're right, I'll make you experience the best date of your life tomorrow!" Iwasaki said and I smiled. I then cuddled closer to him as my eyes slowly closed, I then felt his fingers combing through my curly hair. It felt amazing and it made me fall asleep faster, I think Iwasaki fell asleep a few minutes after me.


Word count: 1151

Love Develops Over Time | A BakuDeku Story |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora