-The now with the perfect couple-

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Dream and George had both come out to be dating each other a week ago and Karl and Sapnap were immensely happy for them both. But now it was certain that they would be third wheeling almost one hundred percent of the time they were hanging out together. After a few months of Dream and George constantly being clingy to each other and going on date Karl and Sapnap had finally come to the conclusion that they were now just third wheeling every time they came into contact with either of the two. Karl and Sapnap began to hang out much more; alone. It was weird to begin with but they had then grown close, closer than most are in a lifetime. 

Slowly but surely they both began to develop feelings for each other. They had both confessed at the weirdest moment and it was very memorable. They were both sleeping over at Dream and Sapnap's house, they were sitting on the roof looking at the clouded night sky trying not to listen to Dream and George below. Karl was busy talking about stargazing while Sapnap looked at him. He noticed the way the royal purple sky reflected into Karl's eyes and bounced off his pale skin. Karl's giggle knocked him out of his trance. 

 "Nick you're starring." Karl said giggling a light red painting his cheeks. Nick noticed this and smiled warmly.  

"How could I not?" Nick asked laughing softly. Karl laughed and grabbed his hand and leaned back onto the tiles and gazed upon the moon. They both lay down and looked at the sky, Karl watched in a daze while Nick looked slightly sub conscious. He watched as Karl slowly fell asleep  ,well actually Karl was just closing his eyes to focus on Nick ranting on about Dream and Goerge being sappy at PE. Nick silenced for a moment and watched Karl sleep. It probably sounded really creepy but Karl found it very sweet that he took care of Karl's comfort. 

"Oh Karl..." He began and poured out his feeling to Karl who he thought was in a deep sleep. He looked back and the moon and Karl slightly moved to face Nick. Now that he knew that Nick shared the same feelings he really didn't have to worry about his confession and he wanted to make it the least awkward it could be for Nick when he gushed about his crush right in front of him.    

He smiled and closed his eyes and moved his arms to wrap around Nick who gasped as he watched Karl sling his arms around his waist while snuggling into his sides. Soon they both really fell into sleep subconsciously shuffling their bodies to try and get as much body heat as they could. Nick woke up first to the bright light searing his eyes, he tried to rub them but there was something weighted on his chest. He looked down and saw a tuft of brown hair. Nick smiled and lay back down falling asleep again, not wanting to wake up the smaller boy. Soon later they both were startled awake from a loud scream. George had climbed up to the roof and seen the two cuddling soundlessly. Karl groaned and snuggled back into his chest, Nick laughed and looked down at the boy trying to move his hand from Karl's thigh. Once he moved he stuck his hand up to George and did the finger. George smiled and went to call Dream. 

"Karl, you gotta get up." He whispered into Karl's ears and he groaned again, but this time it sounded like a moan. He laughed and clapped his hands trying to wake Karl up, he groaned again this time it was louder and more like a moan. He continued clapping and Karl continued moaning. They both heard Dream come up the stairs but took no notice until he screamed to George.  

"AHHHH! THEY'RE FUCKING!" he shouted and closed his eyes. "MY EYES, MY EYES!" 

Karl now very awake noticed that he was sitting on Nick's lap while he was groaning and clapping. He shuffled away and hid his face in his hands. 

"NO NO NO! It's Not like that!" Nick shouted as red rose to his cheeks. George laughed loudly and Dream stood with his hands on his eyes. Dream soon left and they all quieted down. 

"Hey Nick, I know this is the weirdest thing..." Karl began and then poured his feelings to Nick. He smiled at Nick embarrassed.

"I like you." Karl said solemnly and looked back at the tiles. Nick smiled and a blush grew on his cheeks.

"I like you too." Nick said and lifted Karl onto his lap, they both smiled at each other and Karl was blond and connected their lips.

"AHH! THEY'RE GOING FOR ROUND TWO!" Dream shouted and ran back down the stairs, Karl broke the kiss and laughed along with Nick who was laughing his ass off. They both ran down the stairs seeing George and Dream eating breakfast.

"So~ How was last night?" George asked, taking a bite of his toast, Karl blushed and hid his head in Nick's chest while hugging him tightly. He soon let go of Sapnap and began to make himself scrambled eggs.

"Shut up George, not like we haven't heard you screaming more than once." Karl said watching as Dream gagged and laughed while George's face lit up in fifty shades of red. Karl finally finished his eggs and went to put down only to be pulled into Sapnap's arms. he smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheeks. 

"So ya'll a thing." Dream asked confused, Karl looked at Nick who nodded. Karl smiled and kissed his cheek again. 

Soon both of the couples began going on double dates and all that coupley shit. Soon George began to realise how perfect the couple was. Him and Dream were moving out of the newly couple stage, were you can't be away from each other for more than two minutes and onto a more independent stage where they both focused on their studies. 

"George you wanna go on a double date on Saturday?" Karl asked while switching on the TV.

"Sorry Karl, We both gotta study for Mid terms." Dream said butting into the conversation. Karl smiled knowingly and nodded, he watched as Nick walked into the room.

"Hey baby." He said while putting on adventure time.

"Hey babe, I'm heading out for Football in twenty." Nick said while cuddling into Karl's side. 

"You wanna do something~" Karl said getting up and dragging Nick to the doorway of their room and smiling. George looked at Dream disgusted and laughed. George soon looked at all the small things that Karl and Nick both did. Karl painted Nick's nails every Wednesday, Karl went to every one of Nick's Foot ball games and practices and Nick brought Karl flowers every week. 

"You know that Nick gives Karl flowers every week?" George said and watched Dream nod.

"Why don't you do that?" George asked and Dream smiled.

"I'll do it for you." Dream said smiling while watching George do the same then being disgusted by the echoing Monas in the background. The following week Dream showed up to Karl and George's dorm holding flowers knowing that George was at a violin lesson.

"What are you doing?" Karl said laughing while being confused as Dream offered him the flowers.

"I don't know George wanted me to." 

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