-the one with the music-

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 this = flashback this = now

"What'cha watching?" Nick said sitting on the couch. He saw a familiar face on the screen. Karl Jacobs was preforming a new single at a concert.

"Who's that?" Nick asked pointing at the screen even though he knew exactly who that was.

"Karl Jacobs, his new single just hit number one in the world." George explained. Karl was just breathing heavily after he sung his lungs his lungs out to his other song Traitor, he smiled his picture perfect smile at the camera. 

"Didn't you act with him?" Tommy asked and Nick nodded, he was a world class actor, his most recent one was high school musical: the musical where they began filming season two. A new character joined, Karl Jacobs taking the role as Nini, it was more of a feminine role but he fit it perfectly. Two months into filming the season they began to date which then resulted in a messy break up, Karl then went on with his career and began producing music.  

"Next one is happier, It think he's doing a dedication at the start of the song." Quackity said watching the live concert intently.

"Hey everyone thank you for watching this concert, this song is dedicated to my ex. Just so you know we had a nasty Break up." Karl started laughing nervously, rubbing the back of his nape. "Just a shout out, he knows who he is, Nick just repeating you are a Dickhead." Karl said smiling sickly. Four heads whipped around to Nick. 

"You?!" Dream shouted pointing at Nick aggressively, he nodded and sat down.

"Yep, I want to watch my dedication song." He said sitting down Nes to Quackity. 

 Fan clapped aggressively as the song began.

"We broke up a month ago." He sung softly.

"WE'RE DONE!" Nick shouted.

"OH! OH!," Karl started fake crying. "FINE BY ME!" He said sucking up his acting and walking out the door.,

"Your friends aren't mine, you know, I know." Karl sung.

"Can I meet them?" Karl asked timidly, already knowing the answer.

"No! why don't you understand, we have seperate lives besides this." Nick said motioning between both males.

"You've moved on, found someone."

Karl began scrolling through his twitter feed, looking through on his recommended was Nick kissing another brunette who slightly resembled Karl. His whole face scrunched up and he flicked his phone off in annoyance. 

"One more girl who brings out the better in you."

"Jess! I can't recommend you to my director he'll fire me on the spot!" Nick screamed. Jess put her arms on Nick's back rubbing it slowly as an attempt to calm the younger.

"And I thought my heart was attached. For all the sunlight of our past."

The first few months were great, they went on weekly dates, slept at each others houses and smiled truely at each other, not a lie in the air.

"But she's so sweet, she's so pretty."

Karl had recently had a gig with Jess, a fellow actress. She was just the sweetest but he couldn't do anything but hate her so much. She was truely beautiful; hazel eyes and long brown hair that came to her lower back.

"Does she mean you forgot about me?" Karl said looking into the camera as the crowd cheered.

When Nick looked at Jess, all he saw was a slim skeleton Karl, was he just using this poor girl as a silhouette of his past love?

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