-The one with the hashira-

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"Welcome Ranboo," Bad said and shook Ranboo's hand. The brunette smiled and nodded, shaking his hand back. " To the Hashira."

"I'm Bad; the sound Hashira, and ill be touring you around the grounds."

Bad then grabbed Ranboo hand for their tour, now Ranboo wasn't really a Hashira now, he had been appointed to Tsuguko for a man called Technoblade; the Serpent hashira. They walked over to a water building. They came to stop a pond lake sort of thing. A man was sitting near the lake, he had brown hair, which was covering and tangling amongst the black and white goggles. He had two different colour eyes, he had one ocean blue and one a hazel brown. His kimono was a blue, it was basically plain. He perked up as Bad and Ranboo walked up.

"Hey George!" Bad called and George looked up and waved. "This is Ranboo; Techno's Tsuguko." He explained and nodded.

"Hey Ranboo, I'm George; water hashira." He introduced from the other side of the lake. And with that Bad continued to walk. The continued to walk until they had come to another estate. It was surrounded with tree and Ranboo felt the soft breeze as he shivered slightly. Soon they came to the front of a house looking structure and knocked.

"Dream! Get out here!" Bad yelled and soon dirty blond walked out. He had bright green eyes and a scars scattered plenty along his face. His kimono was a dark green as well and he looked quite intimidated and Ranboo was slightly scared.He looked at Ranboo and nodded to Bad as he stepped out of the door.

"Dream; wind hashira." He said and nodded in the general direction of Ranboo and walked back in and slammed the front door shut. Bad just sighed and looked at Ranboo with a shrug and continued to walk. They walked through trees and began to talk.

"What was up with him?" Ranboo asked, he didn't intent for it to sound so rude but it just came out like that.

"Dreams cold like that, he nice if you get to know him. They only one he's open to is George."Bad explain and stopped when they had come to another estate. It was pretty, the wood was slightly pink and it looked quite pretty and dainty.

"This is Niki's estate; she's the love hashira. She'd love to be here to meet you but she's out on a mission with Wil." Bad explained and Ranboo nodded, he had encountered Niki on a mission before, she was very sweet, and they now continued to walk until they saw someone training with a sword. He had dark hair, which was messily tied and strung around a white bandanna. He had dark red eyes and his sword was also red. He swung his sword and flames surrounded him and Bad clapped. His kimono was a dark red with flames lining the bottom.

"Hey Sap." Bad said and Sapnap looked up to see Ranboo and Bad. "I toting Techno's new Tsuguko; Ranboo." Bad explained and gestured to Ranboo. 

"Hey! I'm Sapnap; Flame hashira." Sapnap explined and held his hand put which Ranboo took and nodded. Sapnap then joined them and they began to walk. Now they were getting to the point where the estates were quite close so t hey walked like 10m between each building. Soon they came to their next one.

"This is Wilbur's estate. He's the mist Hashira. Pretty cool if I'll say." Sapnap said and Ranboo nodded and they just continued to walk. Until they heard someone coming from behind. A blond then appears at Sapnap's side. He had a red and white kimono on.

"Tommy," The blond said and looked at Ranboo and grimaced." Wilburs Tsuguko." He said and Sapnap sighed and et the other to cling to his side. They continued to walk until they came to dark blue estate. There was a boy sitting out the front under a tree, he had dark hair which was partly shielded by a dark blue beanie which almost matched his kimono, it looked really cute. At first glance Ranboo wouldn't have believe that the boy was so chaotic and loud.

"Hey Q!" Sapnap called and Quackity was quick to his feet and rushed over to him and threw himself over in a hug.

"Sapnap!" Quackity said and smiled at the dark haired boy. They then began to talk loudly, completely forgetting the other brunettes and blond that were standing there. Ranboo and Tommy had engrossed themselves in a hushed conversation about the Tsuguko and how Tommy would surpass everyone here. Ranboo just nodded along with a laugh.

"Okay well Ranboo this is Quackity the stone hashira, we have to continue we have two more!" Bad said and clapped his hand and the three continued to walk, leaving Quackity and Sapnap behind to finish their conversation. Karl's state wasn't far and Sapnap was bound to stay to see his beloved. Just as Bad suspected Sapnap came running almost a moment later. They came to an estate full of butterflies and two boys. One was a tall brunette, he had bouncy fluffy hair and dark murky green eyes, they were more turquoise though. 

He had a different uniform than the rest. He had a turtle neck two piece which was cropped in the middle with the pants to show a small section of his stomach. His kimono was purple with green butterflies, almost matching the butterfly which was perched on his finger which he was showing the smaller.He was sitting opposite to a smaller brunette who Ranboo guessed was his Tsuguko. He had brown hair as well and a green kimono. His hair was so long that it covered his eyes and Ranboo was confused how he could see. Karl immediately took notice of the others that were watching them and smiled. Tubbo looked up confused on why Karl was smiled and Karl cocked his head in the direction of the four of them standing at the entrance. 

The others walked over and sat down cross legged along with Karl and smiled. 

"Hello," Karl said, his voice was soft and sweet. He looked truly harmless, I mean he barley had a blade, more so just a line of silver with a tiny point. It was hardy to believe he made poisoning and killed demons, "I'm Karl; insect Hashira." He explained.

"Ranboo, Technoblade's new Tsuguko." Ranboo said and offered his hand out which Karl took and shook slightly.

"And this is Tubbo my Tsuguko." He explained and looked down at the smaller brunette who nodded.

"Hey Darling." Karl said and stood up to go hug Sapnap who slung his hands around his waist and pulled him in for a kiss. Tommy and Tubbo both made gag noises behind and Ranboo and Bad laughed softly. Soon they were off, but they had left Karl and Sapnap. Tubbo opted to come instead of watching Karl and Sapnap be madly in love. Soon they came to Techno's estate, it had a weird eerie feeling and Ranboo was kind of creeped out. Soon a pink haired male came out and nodded to all of the. Ranboo was then ushered forward and looked t Techno.

"Ranboo, your new Tsuguko. Mr. Technoblade." Ranboo said, his voice slightly shaking more than he liked.

"Please, just Techno."

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