-The one with the boss-

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Karl was just heading to the base to see Nick, he always forgets that no one knows their dating; eh? They haven't been caught it's fine.



So he was heading in through the window and slowly slipped in. He walked for what felt like hours as he wondered the endless halls. He was attempting to find Nick's room; key word attempting all the rooms looked that same.

"Where is this place." He grumbled to himself as he turned a corner. He was just walking in and out until he was interrupted by these people rushing at him. Karl was confused but then remembered no one knew who the fuck he was. The next thing he knew he was being held at gun point. He must have zoned out for a while as people were shouting random shit at him and he really didn't care he just wanted Nick.   

The people hat were surrounding him were confused this person was not phased by death threats, being held at gunpoint and threats to get the boss here. Soon the person snapped out of the trans and began to cry, he was just sitting there crying and the surrounding people were happy with this reaction.

Well Karl knew that Nick was the boss of all these people and decided to hold it to his advance and began to fake cry, knowing that he could get all these nimrods fired. Guess all his acting classes were actually helpful. 

 The dirty blond behind him was making a call.

"Hey...yep...i know.. your coming?..ok...see you soon boss." Karl only caught snippits of the conversation and was just balling his eyes out. Soon foot steps echoed in the hall ways and every one surrounding went silent. Karl started to shout and began to fight the people around him. He knew Nick noticed his voice as the foot steps began to pick up. Soon Nick entered and Karl saw the way his eyes flashed red. He finally broke out of his captors arms and ran into Nick's. He began to sob loudly into his chest as Nick's hand snaked around his waist, he looked up at Nick and Nick starred down, he noticed every detail in Karl's face, his eyes were slightly red his mouth was open and there were tear tracks running down his face. 

Nick was furious to say the least he wanted to stab every one in this room. He then ushered Karl out of the room, when Karl began to walk out seeing Nick facing the opposite way and every ones eyes on him, he stuck his tongue out and smiled placing an L with his fingers on the top of his face and he watched the way everyones jaw dropped and Nick looked behind and Karl turned back to his sad facade and gave a slight smile and walked out. He could hear Nick's distant shouts as he smiled heading to the kitchen.

"Hey saw that little stunt you pulled there, that was good!" A soft voice said.

"Thanks?" Karl questioned as he began to find the tea bags in the cupboards.

"He, i'm Niki and this is Puffy and Minx." The voice said as Karl turned to see three girls. He smiled softly and waved.

"Hey, i'm Karl." He said as he turned on the kettle. 

"So you have connections don't you?"Puffy teased.

"Yep, I believe I do." Karl said matter of a factly.

"So can you help us get this sexist bitch fired?" Minx asked and Karl nodded.

"Hey, Jared can you come in here!" Niki called as a well dressed man walked into the room.

"Hello Niki you pretty, helpless thing." He cooed and Niki grimaced. Karl knew what he had to do he got Jared to stand next to him and hold the kettle of boiling water. He tipped he hot water on his skin and screamed, a loud fucking scream of pain, which wasn't fake, that was definitely going to burn, It was all down his face. The girls admired the boy in front willing to sacrifice himself for them. Nick ran down and was horrified, Karl was grabbing his eye in pain as Jared stood with a water pot and was confused. He grabbed Karl and held him to his chest.

"Baby I can't see you." Karl said timidly. He sobbed. "Nick I can't see out of it!" He sobbed loudly and cried into his chest, he removed Karl's hand. His eye was white. There was no pupil it was just white. Karl sobbed and screamed in pain. Nick winced at the sound, 

"Can I see my eye Nick?" Karl said wanting to see him self.

"Sure baby." Nick whispered and let Karl go he stumbled at first and walked towards a full body mirror, he gasped as he saw his eye, it was just white, there was nothing there despite it was slightly red. He slowly backed up into a a wall and slid down holding his knees and tucking his head into them and he just sobbed and sat there. Nick glared daggers into Jared as he went to help his boyfriend. Karl just sat there crying he could swear he was close to laughing but that sound very psychotic. He looked at the girls and smiled softly. 

Soon after Karl fell asleep and Nick moved him into a room, he could hear enraged yelling, Karl slipped out of his jeans and shirt and chucked on one of Sapnaps over sized hoodies with his boxers, he walked out rubbing his eyes, the room went silent. Every ones eyes were on him. Jared looked scared out of his mind and Nick was very pissed and everyone else was scarred. He looked at the girls and opened his arms, they immediately ran into them whispering thank yous and asking if he was okay. He smiled and nodded continuing with his day he reached on his tip toes and made himself a tea, he kissed Sapnap and walked out of the room.

Everyone was confused how can you be blind in one eye and be totally fine about it, very contrasting to last night? 

"So you have blinded my boyfriend and I think you should die." He growled. "Baby!" Nick shouted and Karl walked back.

"Yes Sap?" Karl asked poking his head through the doorway. 

"How do you want to punish him." He said pointing towards Jared. Karl giggled, and smiled. It shocked everyone. He stuck one finger up and ran to grab something. He came back holding a gun, the same gun that was held up to his head yesterday. He held it up motioned for everyone to block their ears. Once they did he fired 3 shoes straight to Jared's chest and watched his corpse fall then threw the gun to Niki and walked away.

"Holy shit, Boss your boyfriend is a psychopath." The dirty blond whispered. Nick was shocked he always saw Karl to be so timid an sweet but this, this was very hot. Nick let out a breathy laugh and continued his day. 

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