"You have to admit it is suspicious, Commander." Greg broke the silence once again. "Why would people, who are not silent with their opinions of dragons, ask her to summon them if not to set her up?"

Sergon kept his gaze locked on the man for a while, then sighed deeply.

"I do not know, Greg." He raked a hand through his dark hair. "But I intend to figure out, I can promise you that much." He looked from the guards and down at her.

She nodded and smiled. "Thank you so much, I would appreciate that."

He was undoubtedly a busy man, being the Commander and all, so the fact that he'd clear some time to solve something like this was amazing of him.

Sergon gave her a quick nod, the smile eased back onto his face at the sight of hers.

"As for your wish to show everyone the good friendships with dragons can bring, why not start with the inner palace?"

"The inner palace?" she asked at the sudden change of topic.

He nodded. "Yes, the people working for us here every day; maids, guards, servants, stable-boys."

That was a good idea. They were here every day and had already seen just how nice and calm both dragons were. Or at least could be. It was quite a long time ago that Ciara had seen someone seriously tense up at the sight of Kaisog on the castle grounds. Still, it was also true they didn't entirely relax in their presence either.

Alex quickly nodded, a grand smile filling his face. "That is a great idea! They will be easy to convince, and then they will be going back home and tell their families of what they learned."

Sergon nodded. "Yes. It might even spread from there. Especially since many already admire you for your efforts in the town square."

She nodded, the idea taking root in her as well. "Yes. I will do that."

The moment was broken by the sound of heavy, fast footsteps approaching them.

"Commander Sergon!" A guard came running towards them in a hurry.

Sergon turned around, facing his subordinate.

"What is the problem?"

He might as well have turned into another person, the gentle Sergon now gone and replaced by Commander Sergon Galias of the Southern Kingdom. Even his whole posture had changed.

"It is at the training grounds, my lord. We accidentally hit a rotten tree, and it fell right down on Thomas!" the guard said, calm as he started but getting more panicked towards the end.

"Hells! Is he stuck under it?"

The guard nodded. "Yes. His legs are stuck, he cannot move them. What do you suggest we do, Commander?"

Sergon paused for a moment, then turned to her with a little smile.

"Do you think this might be a job for Kaisog?"



As she came running toward the grounds, Kaisog and Sunrose following her from above, she could immediately see why the guard had been so panicked.

It was a very grand tree they'd managed to fell, and rotten though it may be, it was no doubt still far too heavy for them to move just like that.

She gasped and almost ground to a halt when she saw the man, Thomas, stuck under it. She could see nothing of him from the waist down. He was disturbingly quiet, his face contorted in a pained grimace.

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