He grinned at her, turning all the way around with his arms out wide.

"I could not agree with you more - this armor really does suit me," he teased, drawing a giggle from her. "Now then-" He stuck his arm out for her. "Shall we?"

Her smile faltered a little as she looped her arm around his, giving him only a silent nod in answer. The gravity of what she was about to do was slowly settling on her, taking a little of the initial excitement with it.

If she didn't do this well, it could mean war between the kingdoms. It could mean everyone here would have to go and might not come back. It could mean her family, her father, brother and everyone she'd known since childhood would have to go. Kaisog and Sunrose might even have to as well.

She couldn't even imagine what everything would become if that was to happen - not that she wanted to either.

Without her notice, she realized they'd reached the door to the ballroom, where the king and Greg stood, waiting for and watching her.

The king was clad in a heavy, purple coat with fur lining. Silvers and golds colored the armor he wore underneath - not unlike Alex' in shape. Only, it was so much more extravagant with patterns carved into the metal, matched by the golden crown on top of his head.

He was beautiful dressed like that, but also mighty intimidating. Especially with the hard look he was giving her. The noise from the ballroom didn't help matters either.

She felt Alex nudge her gently.

"You will do just fine, Ciara. None of us will let anything happen to you - neither will the king."

She nodded at him appreciatively, attempting a smile she knew she didn't fully accomplish. In return, he grinned grandly back at her before letting her go and pushing her in the king's direction.

She slowly took her place at his side, moving with all the grace she'd learned the past many days. He easily offered his arm as though he'd done it a thousand times before, and she silently took it, composing herself.

Taking that as the 'okay' sign from her, the king nodded to Greg and Alex, who'd moved to the grand doors, and each of them slowly pushed them open.

She took in a sharp inhale of air as the sounds, lights and smells all came over her at once.

Live music in a lively tune was playing, but it was almost drowned out by the chattering and laughing of the hundreds of guests.

The hallways they'd been in had been dim and only lit up by the occasional torch, so the bright room on the other side had her squinting her eyes.

The smell from the room was heavy, filled with food, perfume and people. It was difficult to breathe, too heavy and thick for her liking.

All of it at once was far too overwhelming and she staggered backwards. Only the tight grip the king had on her arm prevented her from losing her balance entirely.

Before she felt she was the least bit ready, she felt him stepping into the grandiose room, tugging her along after him.

She felt herself involuntarily stiffening the further she was pulled in, the more she saw.

The room was big. Bigger than any room she'd ever seen before and filled with more people than there were in the entirety of the Dragon Kingdom. All of them wore such elaborate and colorful clothes she had no clue where to even start looking. At the other end of the room stood a grand throne. Glaringly empty as it was.

A long table filled to the edges with drinks and foods of all sorts stood to the side. People gathered all around it, hardly letting anyone else through.

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