"I sent the others back earlier to do just that, so there is nothing to worry about." He grinned.

Well, there went all her viable options and reasons for sending him home.

"All right."

Aem grinned, the smile stretching from ear to ear.

"Good. I am looking forward to seeing how you do around here, C."

She nodded silently, not quite as excited by the prospect as he seemed to be. She'd be lying if she said some part of her didn't enjoy his familiar presence as well, however.

That is when they heard noise closer to the castle. They saw Sergon approaching, smiling even as he came closer, a wooden sword held in each hand.

"I hear you are one of the most formidable fighters of your kingdom." The Commander held one sword out to Aem. "What do you say to a practice match to test our skills?"

Aem's face quite literally lit up at the idea. "Sure, I would like that." He took the sword from Sergon and twirled it around.

He always did love matches like these, whether they be on the backs of dragons or the ground. Anything to hone his skills.

Sergon smiled as well, though it was much more subdued in comparison.

"Sounds good. Then, please follow me." He gestured towards the training grounds. She'd never actually been there herself yet, she realized.

Alex turned to her. "There is also a bench or two there if you wish to watch, Ciara." He held an arm out for her to support herself on as he'd seen Aem do it. "I know I do!"

She giggled at his enthusiasm and took hold of his arm.

"I would like that."

She didn't miss the soft smile her brother sent their way, before returning to his conversation with Sergon.

As such, she and her two guards followed the two ahead. A little behind due to her much shorter and slower strides, though. Not that either of the two with her seemed to care at all.

"You two really do look alike," Elias suddenly said.

She looked at him. "You really think so?" She looked at Aem as well. She didn't really see it, to be quite honest.

He nodded nonetheless. "Yes. There is your hair, of course, but your faces are also quite similar. Sharp chins, high cheekbones and small noses." He gave her a light smile. "It is quite easy to tell that you are siblings."

Funny how he saw it that way. She'd always felt so different with her lighter hair and small figure.

Luckily, the walk to the grounds wasn't far, as she was already feeling quite exhausted. She was just lucky Alex was as strong as he was, as she barely carried any of her weight herself at this point. The extra scale had definitely helped, but not that much yet.

He eased her down on the bench. "Are you doing all right, Ciara?" he asked, after seeing how she nearly collapsed on it. "If this is too much for you, I can carry you back inside."

She smiled weakly at him, shaking her head.

"I will be fine. I just need to sit down for a while."

He didn't really seem convinced. Especially not when she flinched as she pulled the robe closer around herself. At the same time, he'd also learned he'd get nothing out of pushing her.

So, they watched in silence as the match in front of them slowly began. Aem was quick to rush Sergon as soon as Alex announced the beginning of the match. Sergon seemed to have expected that and easily blocked him, though. As they pressed against each other's swords, it seemed to her they were equally matched in strength.

Aem pulled back again, only to jab the sword towards Sergon again. The Commander sidestepped the jab and initiated a quick swing of his own.

Still, Aem was quick to block the swing, making it impossible for it to even hit its mark.

As such, they went back and forth, coming close to landing their hits every time, but never able to do it. They were equally matched in the truest sense of the word.

She found herself completely absorbed in it, shouting for Aem to win just as Alex did for Sergon. Even Elias was clearly completely focused on the match, despite not saying anything, almost as though he was trying to learn what they were doing so thoroughly he may replicate it later.

Because of that, she hardly even noticed it when someone slid in on the seat next to her. It was only when they spoke that she noticed them at all.

"Do not presume to think that I do not know what you are up to, pitiful wench," Victoria's unmistakably scathing voice warned her. The glare she was sending Ciara was no less hostile than her words. "You will never take him from me, I will make sure of it myself."

Ciara was completely speechless, both at the wholly unexpected presence of the lady beside her, and at her quite threatening words kept low enough so that no one else would hear it over the clashing wood. That, and she wasn't sure she understood what the woman was thinking.

Alas, she had no chance to get her thoughts collected or to stop gaping before the woman got up from the bench in an elegant sweep.

Her mind didn't even get coherent enough for her to realize the match had ended before Aem's voice was just above her.

"Was that the mistress just now?"

Ciara nodded slowly.

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