Alex grinned. "And what a wonderful time it has been since then," he shot right back, to which Julian could only chuckle. "Anyway, as for introductions, the borish one in the back is Elias and the lady is, of course, princess Ciara Tarakona of the Dragon Kingdom herself," Alex said, gesturing grandly to her and basically completely ignoring the other man with them.

"Oh, we have already met, I assure you," Julian said.

Alex blinked. "Huh?"

"Yes, thank you so much for your help the other day." She smiled brightly.

"I am only glad we have the opportunity to meet properly, princess." Julian turned his warm gaze to her. Suddenly, he took hold of her hand and brought it to his lips slowly, never once breaking eye-contact with her. "It is a pleasure to meet you."

She felt the heat in her cheeks flare up again and prayed to the gods it wouldn't be obvious.

"Th-thank you, and likewise," she replied as he released her and straightened up again, still not looking away.

"Indeed," Elias commented sternly, pushing a shoulder in between the two of them. His gaze was so focused on the man they might just burn a hole through his skull. "To the pier, you said? We will take that into consideration. Thank you."

Almost as if reluctant to do so, Julian languidly tore his eyes from her to the man between them. His eyebrows drew together slightly.

"Alex sure was not kidding when he said you were boring, did he?" Suddenly, his face seemed to light up. "I have an idea. How about I be your guide for the day?"

Elias scowl only seemed to deepen at that suggestion. "No, your guidance will no-"

"Surely you would not let a princess wander these streets alone and without an inkling of where to go?" Julian quickly cut the guard off before he could finish his rejection.

"She is not alone, she has both o-"

"A lady the likes of the princess deserves only the best of the best," Julian stated as though that should be obvious.

"And you suggest that be you, then?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

Julian grinned widely. "Naturally."

She couldn't help but to laugh. No wonder Alex was as he was.

"See? Even she agrees." Julian spread his arms out wide as though he had already won.

"Or more likely, she finds you as laughably pathetic as the rest of us do." Alex crossed his arms over his chest.

When Julian put a hand to his chest as though thoroughly offended, she giggled again.

"No, I am merely amused," Finally, someone other than herself who could see the fun in all of this. "Well then, shall we?" She was already walking ahead, wasting no time.

Before she got too far ahead however, an armored hand fell on her shoulder.

"Ah-ah-ah, Ciara," Alex forced her to a stop.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Apart from escaping the castle, you mean?"

"You stand out," Elias clarified.

Only then did she take note of all the people staring at them. Clustered in small groups as they were, with wide eyes and pointing fingers as they whispered their secrets to each other.

She looked down at the clothes she wore. "Am I dressed that strangely?" She had opted for one of the less intricate dresses in her closet - though each of them were far more luxurious than anything she'd ever owned. It was a warm white in color with detailing in a light blue. Something she'd been told wouldn't be too outrageous for a noble to wear.

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