This, she'd never heard before. It was truly impressive that he managed that at such an age. Though it was true the methods were yet to be known.

Kaisog remained unimpressed even after that story. "Still, even with that story, it does not warrant him being called a 'tyrant' king."

The man sighed. "Everything the king's ever done has been for the good of our kingdom," he pointedly told them, sharply looking them both in the eyes. "But it is true he can be a lil' harsh in the implementation of his laws," he then trailed off. "Well, that's just my opinion, anyhow."

With that, the sailor went on his way back to his work.

She looked after him as he disappeared. He hadn't seemed like he was trying to mislead them, she trusted him in that. It was reassuring to know someone like him would so faithfully trust in his king.

"Well, the king does not sound as bad as I had feared." She looked up at Kaisog.

He didn't even twitch.


"Straighten your back, Princess," Kaisog called out to her. "And take shorter steps."

It was impressive how court-ladies made even walking an art-form. She could barely keep her balance as it was and then she was told she was expected to walk in shoes with heels as sharp as needles and as long as well. Had none of them ever broken an ankle before?

"Do not flail with your arms like that either. Keep them relaxed at your sides or clasped in front of you."

She bit her lip, trying to do as he told her to and only hardly managing. She knew she wasn't the graceful sight she was supposed to be.

Suddenly, the ship was hit by a larger wave, making it rock gently in its wake. The force of it was enough to make her lose her balance completely, though and she released an embarrassing squeak. Of course, she never met the floor, as Kaisog easily reached out and caught her in one long stride. With a gentle but firm grip on her elbow, he helped her to her feet again.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked, already scanning her ankles.

She shook her head. "I am not, thanks to you." She sent him a grateful smile, which he reciprocated with a light one of his own. She then sighed deeply. "I cannot do this, however. It is impossible. My legs are too short."

He chuckled, giving her elbow a squeeze. "I actually think your height is to your advantage this time." When he saw she found no humor in the situation, he instead sent her a soft look. "Do not worry, Princess, you will be fine just the way you are." He leaned down to press his forehead to hers with a ginger hold of the back of her head.

It was something they had always done as children to remind each other they were always there for each other no matter what may be thrown their way. It was easier when they were younger and without the difference in height though.

Just as it always had done, she felt his warmth calm her spirits immediately.

"Thank you," she muttered again, nothing if not grateful for his presence here with her.


It was in the middle of the night when Ciara suddenly woke up.

She had been given a cabin of her own. The best one despite her protests. It had a big bed, sizeable enough for two people at the very least, and a little dinner-table at the other end of the room. The wardrobe was as big as the one she was used to at home as well. Definitely a suite worthy of a king.

She managed to pull herself out of the lavish covers, which she'd had no problem getting used to. She needed some fresh air.

She pulled a robe tightly around herself against the cold she knew she was going to be facing out there. It was only late spring, after all.

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