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"And so Reiju hands me another glass of tequila and shoves me on stage." ____ giggled, leaning her top half on the counter. Bellamy passed her another glass of bourbon, which she thanked him for. "I didn't even remember half of it, and I don't know how in the hell she managed to convince her brothers it was okay."

"Well, it certainly sounds like you're having a good time, ____-ya."

"I am having a great time." She agreed without reluctance, enjoying the sound of his chuckle. "I'm making friends everywhere, and meeting up with old ones..."

"...but?" He picked up on her trailing tongue.

"Well, it's just that I ran into Drake the other day." She sucked her teeth, finger running the rim of her glass. She wondered if she wanted to touch on the topic. "And we were catching up, you know? And he-"

____'s eyes caught on Eustass' hulking body, slipping into the bar with his posse.

"H-he...." She tried to finish, but she'd effectively been knocked off her train of thought. "I'm sorry, Truffle, I'm way too drunk for this right now. Can you call me back when you're on lunch tomorrow?"

"Of course." His laugh was warm and hearty, however quiet. "It's late anyways, I should get some sleep. Take care of yourself."

"You too. Bye." ____ hung up right as the monster himself sat down next to her. "You mister, are not allowed to drink."

"I'm not here to drink." He huffed, glowering down like he always did. Today he seemed to be much more himself. "I'm here to get out of the damn house."

"Ah." ____ nodded, agreeing. "I can't argue with that."

"You look lovely." Heat spoke, light blush on his cheeks. ____ smiled back.

"Thank you very much, Heat. You look nice today too." Her words only made his blush darker, and Killer snickered before dragging him down into a seat.

"Who were you on the phone with?" Eustass asked mildly, trying to act normal.

"None of your business." She cheekily replied, smiling pleasantly up at him. He grumbled, but let it be. ____ leaned over as if to knock into his arm like she did with Heat and Killer before, but of course there was nothing to knock into. "How's your arm?"

"Well, it's been better."

His simple and honestly deadpanned expression made her giggle, and in turn lifted the corner is his lips just the slightest.

"No shit!" She laughed, downing the rest of her drink. She gestured the the bartender. "Bellamy, please would you bring me a bottle of rosé?"

"On it." He winked, leaving to do just that.

"Ok, lemme see." She turned to him, back to Heat and Killer who were watching carefully. He didn't protest as she pushed back his heavy fur coat, delicate hands trailing over the bandages as she checked for anything abnormal. "And you change them and keep it clean, right? It doesn't look infected? Or do I need to check myself, because I-"

"It's okay." He frowned, ceasing her mothering rambles. "Killer has been following your instructions."

"Good." _____ pulled away, albeit reluctantly. Tipsy and a little tired from the long shift at Nile's hotel, she let a little pout slip past her lips.

"What? Did you want to kiss it better?" His tone was incredulous and mocking, but she knew him. She knew exactly what to do in order to get under his skin.

"Oh?" She didn't even hesitate, leaning down to press her lips to what was left of his bicep. It was chaste and quick, but it did what she wanted it to. Eustass Kid looked positively uncomfortable. She leaned back with a lopsided smile as Bellamy came back with her bottle. She patted where she kissed, teasing as always. "All better, Kiddo."

"Here ya go, ____." Bellamy captured her attention, handing over the bottle and another stemless glass.

"Thank you, thank you!" She chimed, taking it without a second guess. The gang watched in mild amusement as she brought the cork to her lips, bit down and pulled it out.

"That's some strength..." Killer chimed, making her look over with the cork still between her teeth. She smiled, pouring herself a glass. She then took the cork away with a freed hand.

"My father and brother are both very fond of their alcohol," She answered as she sipped from her cup. "It would be a crime to not be able to keep up."

"How is Zoro?" Kid asked, legitimately curious. They had been friends and got along well, but neither had spoken to each other since ____ left for Punk Hazard.

"He is still dead set and beating dad at the kendo championship." She scoffed, shaking her head. When she spoke again it was muffled by the glass. "It's never gunna happen."

"Other than that, he's still riding Tashigi's ass and hounding me for my bad decisions." ____ sucked her teeth, and shrugged. "You honestly haven't missed much."

"And Punk Hazard?"

____ dropped her head painfully on to the bar at the mention of it.

"I hate that place." She grumbled, knocking her head a few more times on the wood before sitting back up fully. She refilled her glass. "Hate it, hate it, hate it. Never want to go back."

"Why?" Heat asked with curious and sullen eyes.

"There is nothing to do." She frowned, exasperated. "Literally. All I did all day long was follow Law around in the lab and clean fucking test tubes."

"Well," she raised a finger in sudden realization. "Law and I did throw one, very magnificent party in the Snow Zone, but it was short lived once Smoker got there and broke it up."

"Speaking of parties," Killer interrupted, smirk on his lips. "We're throwing one in a couple of days. You should show up."

"Killer, where there is booze there is motivation." She grinned, head lolling. "You had me at 'parties'. What'r we celebrating?"

"Wire's birthday." Eustass rumbled, regarding ____ carefully from the corner of his eye.

"Oh! What does he like? I need to-"

"We don't give gifts like that, Mouse." Eustass rolled his eyes, making her turn and pout at him. "We get drunk, have fun, that's it."

"Well fuck that, I'll find something on my own then." She stuck her tongue out at him, defiant by nature. "If it sucks, it'll be your fault."


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