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      Killer sat stiffly as ____ tended to the burn on his arm, her touches soft and gentle.

Once she'd finished tending to Kid, she'd instantly demanded that all injured men stand in line to be given medical attention. Killer had been last, refusing to be taken care of before the others.

His eyes looked over her champagne dress, it's once beautiful cream color stained red. Her makeup was smeared and melted from stress and sweat, a few odd streaks of Kid's blood on her cheek and forehead. Her hair was ragged and messy, falling from its style.

But she still was beautiful.

"You know him." Killer spoke as she began to bandage his bicep. ____ glanced up with a frown. "You know Kid, and he knows you."

"It's been a long time." She answered curtly, not wanting to lie. Her neutral face turned displeased. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay." He let it go, for now. She deserved as much for saving a life. When she finished the wrap Killer caught her arm, not letting her slip away just yet. He looked up at her through his fringe, lips set in a frown. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me." She scoffed, then offered a cheeky smile. His breath caught in his chest, heart missing a beat. "Just pay all my speeding and red light tickets."

Killer smiled at her tease, she was still the same girl he'd been beginning to know. She patted his hand and he let her go, albeit reluctantly.

"Where's his shower? I'm disgusting."

Killer pointed to an adjacent door.

"You go, rest, clean those burns like I told you." She stripped her gloves off, tossing them onto her bag and moving towards a dresser. She pried it open, and Killer watched as she took a shirt and sweats. It was like she already knew where he kept them, she didn't have to search. Killer took a mental note. "I'm going to clean up and see what I can do about getting some meds, when Heat gets back from the store I'll have a list of stuff I need from my apartment."

"What about you?" Killer asked before she could close the bathroom door behind her. She peeked her head back out to give him a questioning look. "How can we take care of you?"

"I was being serious." She smirked, leaning on the doorframe. "I think I caught a felony with my driving."

Killer let her shower but didn't leave the building, barking orders at the men who weren't beat to shit. When the sun began to rise, he made his way back up the stairs to the flat. Quietly he opened the door, catching ____ in the act of fretting over Kid once more. She peeked at his bandages and kept looking him over, as if she would spot another horrible injury that had yet to be taken care of.

He leaned against the doorframe, rapping his knuckles on the wood to get her attention.

"I told you to rest." She frowned, standing from the bedside to come up to him with a notepad and paper. Killer took a moment to look her over, dressed in Eustass' much too large clothes. They made her look even smaller. She ripped two sheets from the pad and held them out along with a set of keys. "I need you to take the truck back so Zoro can get to work, the address is written here. Give this note to him so he knows what to do. This is a list of the shit I need."

"Will you be fine by yourself?" Killer saw her eye roll coming.

"I'm going to sit my ass down and nap until you get back." She answered, tired eyes dampening with exhaustion. Killer noticed the dark bags under her eyes, she hadn't been sleeping well for a while. "Now go, for real this time, before he wakes up and wants to commit homicide."

Killer took the keys and notes without another word, shutting the door behind him.

___ was right to make a note to Zoro, who almost threw hands with Killer the moment the door opened. He led Killer and Heat to ____ room, pulling a large case out from under the bed. Inside was a plethora of drugs, all medical standards. Heat wasn't the best at reading so he took care of the personal items she'd asked for while the blond searched for the medicines by label.

Zoro was quick to shop them away, but Killer stopped in the doorway.

"How does ____ know Kid?" He asked quietly, making Zoro's eyes widen a fraction in surprise. The greenette schooled his expression back into anger near instantly.

"Get out."

Killer didn't ask again, but he was there when Kid finally woke up. ____ sat at his side, brushing his messy hair from his face and trying to hold his attention. She checked his basic vitals before helping him sit up and take some pills. If Killer had to use one word to describe his boss, it would be delusional.

"Mmmph..." He groaned loudly, licking his chapped lips as the drugs set in. ____ ran her thumb gently over the bandages on his face, sighing when he didn't make a move to complain. The meds were working. "Mouse.."

"I'm here, Kiddo." She frowned, breaths slow and even as if to coach him into relaxing. It seemed to work. She picked up a glass of water with a straw, helping lift his head. He let out a string of garbled protests. "Drink, or I'll have to start an IV."

That got him to comply.

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing Eustass said once he had finished his glass. Killer stood ridged with surprise, only to find ____ look genuinely angry.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean to me?" She snapped, although she kept her voice low. Eustass groaned in distaste. "You're Eustass fucking Kid. You don't apologize, you poke the open wound."

"Shaddup." He grumbled, good hand coming up to cover her face. She pulled it away to rest in her lap, but couldn't hide the small upturn of her lips. Kid slipped back into his dreams easily, hand in hers.

"I made some breakfast." Killer frowned, lowering the plate for her to take. She took it with a friendly smile. Killer swallowed thickly before speaking. "I don't mean to pry about it-"

"You're not stupid, Killer." She cut him off, the frown back on her lips. "You don't need to ask, you already know. Besides, it's over."

"It doesn't look over."

Neither made to continue the conversation, so he left ____ with Kid once again. That's how the next three days went. Killer would come up to check on Kid and bring up food, letting ___ tend to his wounds. Sunday night rolled around and Killer came upstairs to find ____ packing her duffel back up. She caught his gaze, but only for a moment.

"Good. You're here. I left instructions on how to clean and care for his injuries, along with dosages-"

"You're leaving?" ____'s eyes lowered to the plate in his hands then raised back to his fringe. She paused in her packing.

"I have my first show at Baroque Works...."

Killer thumbed the edge of the plate before his head tipped down. He paused, thinking.

"A two year plan." He nodded lightly, and the corner of his lips turned skyward. Killer raised his head, and gestured with the plate. "Hurry up, I'll pull the car around."

"I don't need Kid's second-rate gangsters chauffeuring me around." She sassed, turning her attention back to her things.

"Then it's a good thing we aren't second-rate."

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