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    "Follow your ambitions."

That was the last thing Law said before ____ packed her bags and left town for the final time. It broke her heart to leave him behind, but this was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. Law knew that and with his own aspirations within reach, understood it wasn't his right to keep her still.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" ___ asked again as she loaded her last box into the small spare bedroom.

"I told you, don't worry about it." Zoro frowned, putting his hands on his hips. "Besides, it'll be nice to have help with the rent."

"So long as you promise it's okay." His glare told her all she needed to know, and she dipped her head with a shy expression. "Okay, sorry. I'll have the first deposit tomorrow, I've got a gig tonight and Shanks promised to have my cash in hand before I get off."

Zoro's eyes widened as she grabbed a dress off the bed, still covered in plastic from dry cleaning.

"What- you're starting already?" He blinked when she looked up to him with a grin. "What happened to taking your time with this?"

"I don't have time to waste, this is happening now." She shrugged, scooting past his tall frame to make it out into the living room. Zoro trailed behind, a little slower. "See you at work, bub!"

____ left Zoro in her dust, dashing down the streets with her phone in hand as she rushed to her destination. She couldn't wait to start at Shank's bar, this was only the first step to her staircase of strategics. She had it all laid out in her head, this was going to work even if she had to force it to.

"Oh, excuse me!" She briefly apologized after knocking shoulders with a pair of men on the street, flashing them a half smile as she continued to rush. "I'm so sorry!"

"There you are!" Shanks greeted warmly when she finally wandered into the place she was supposed to be. The bar, if it could even be called that, was much nicer than she expected. Soft light glittered from the ceiling, the support beams wrapped in lace and fairy lights. It was industrial, but beautiful. The red haired man placed a hand on her back, leading her in. "Changing room is back here, Miss Robin will have everything set up for you."

"Thank you again, ten thousand times." She steepled her hands under her chin, looking up at him with the biggest eyes she could muster.

"Of course, kid." He grinned, ruffling her yet to be made hair. "Anything for my niece."

____ stood on her toes to press a thankful kiss to his cheek before dipping into her designated room. As he had said, a tall and dark haired woman waited her arrival.

"Miss Robin, thank you for aiding me." ____ gave a respectful bow, to which was returned.

"Please, just Robin."

"Then it's just ____ as well."

The pair shared a laugh as ____ slipped into her short crimson dress, simple and satin with a billowed skirt. Robin was there to assist and to do her hair, which was a godsend in all honesty.

"Are you nervous?" Robin questioned as the last of the makeup was being applied. ____ grinned widely.


"Knock knock!" Shanks spoke before opening the door. He perked his head in, giving them both a smile. "Time to shine, Princess."

____ followed him to the grand piano sat in the middle of the establishment, a sole spotlight shining down to mark her as the center of attention. Of course, she wasn't really. She was just the accompaniment, but it was nice. Shanks had taken her small hand and given her a boost on the ladder to fame, this was how she was going to start.

Transparent (Eustass Kid X reader) (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now