I blushed and Eliot glanced between us.

"Are you two...?" He asked, pointing between us and I shook my head.


Alastor's fingers dug into my side just slightly and I elbowed him in the ribs, earning a soft grunt.

Eliot just shrugged then and eventually we all fell into a soft chatter. Believe it or not, Eliot and Alastor actually got along well.

Alastor told ghost stories about the town and Eliot talked gossip. I contributed where I felt I needed to, and told them about the city.

Overall the night passed quickly, the fun coming to an end far too soon as Eliot checked his phone.

"Shit, 9:45? I should get going before it gets too dark," he said and stood up. I stood as well, opening my arms.

He hugged me, and then quickly released me, confusing me. I turned and Alastor's dark smile quickly turned up as he looked at me innocently.

I rolled my eyes and walked with Eliot to the door.

"Bye! Come back any time!" I said as he walked off, and then when he was getting into his car I shut the door.

My soft smile turned up in surprise when suddenly two arms appeared at either side of my head.

I turned around, and Alastor was standing there with a grin on his face and his brown eyes melted into a deep red. He was leaned over slightly, his arms trapping me in between my front door and him.

"Hi," I squeaked, looking up into his eyes.

The response I received was a growl and his lips parted as his smile widened, revealing his razor sharp white teeth.

It's always so strange when he's halfway between demon and human.

I blushed and he leaned closer to me, making me press my back against the door as a playful smile rose on my lips.

I giggled and slipped under his arm, sprinting towards the stairs. He chuckled and it seemed to bounce off the walls as I hurled myself up these stairs.

I hid in a closet, giggling quietly as I stood in the darkness and then I just covered my mouth, trying to keep my breathing quiet.

There was a long moment of silence and I thought maybe I'd actually tricked him.

Then I felt something breathe against the back of my neck and every hair on my body stood up.

"This is a really bad hiding place..." he whispered and I just stood, my body completely tense.

"Darling...were you even trying?" He asked in a hushed whisper as if he were hiding, too.

I whimpered. My heart was beating quickly and I was scared, but not in a bad way. I was scared in the way how you know you're about to be caught in a game of tag.

I squealed when he grabbed me by the waist, the door to the closet swung open revealing the hallway.

In one swift motion he spun around, holding me to his chest and falling backwards, making me gasp as I prepared for him to hit the floor.

But we bounced softly as he landed on...my bed?

Oh, right, he can just teleport.

I wriggled.

"Let go!" I giggled and he hummed in thought for a moment.

"Hmmmm...no!" He said, and I huffed and went limp.

Haunted (Alastor x OC)Where stories live. Discover now