𝑇𝑤𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑦-𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟 | 24

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Zaria sat on the counter holding Ava, watching as Trevor cooked them breakfast. Ava was screaming Dada as both dogs sat on opposite ends of the counters, wagging their tails. Ria was happy to be herself for once. For the past month and a half, it was only her, no voices or bad dreams, just her.

"Whatcha smiling about Darling?"

"Nothing, I'm just happy. Is the food done yet? I'm hungry," She said, making Trevor chuckle which made Ava giggle. She loved hearing her daddy laughs or something.

"Daddy little chunky angel is happy. Look at ya wit them gorgeous dimples." Trevor said, lightly pinching Ava's cheeks, receiving a squeal from her.

"You are good with her. She not our baby, but you treat her as if she is."

"Peach, she is our daughter. You may not have birthed her like ya will do that one. Think about sweet pea. If ya hadn't gone to that home that night, our little angel would have been dead. I see it as a blessing. Ava stopped her constant string of killing. She gave ya something to do until she resurfaced. Are they still quiet?" He asked, making her nod, and he smiled, kissing her forehead before turning back to the stove to fix her plate.

"I'm fixin' to go shower. I have court this morning. Cole swears if ya don't show, I will help my case. If I go to prison over this bullcrap, I'm bringing Cole's white ass down wit me." Trevor said, kissing her again and Ava as she laughed.




"Let's talk about your childhood again, Ria," Owen said. He came over right before Trevor left for court to have her therapy session. The last month they have been talking about her feeling and how she felt about being pregnant. That was fine until he started with that childhood shit again.

"What you want to know?"

"How you were as a child."

"I told you that already...."

"Okay, how about your relationship with your mother," Wen said, making her sigh and nod. Zaria didn't know where to start with that, so she just started to talk.

"Good, I guess. It was just her and me for a long time. She wasn't the best Mom, but I loved her. She had a problem with drinking and men. Every fucking night a different one was coming into the house. I remember this one time one of them beating her so damn bad I thought she was dead, but she wouldn't let me call for help. I was about four, and she made me help nurse herself back to health. She also told me that if I went for help, they would take me from her. I don't remember how long it took, mainly because I was too little to remember. I remember her beating me because it happened to her... I don't want to talk about this. Are we done?"

"Zaria, you can't keep blowing off the sessions like this. Ya keep shutting down on me," Owen sighed as she shook her head. "We are done for today. Do ya need anything before I leave?"

"Nope, I'm good," Zaria said, going to check on Ava and the dogs before going to fix dinner. It wasn't that much later before Sam knocked at the door with her and Cole's two boys. Both went and found Ava. The oldest on Billy came running back in with her on his hip as Kevin ran behind them screaming, he wanted to hold her.

"I hate to see how they are going to be with that one gets here. Those boys love their little cousin... All charges against ya husband were dropped, but we knew they would be. He, Cole, and Owen are celebrating. For what? I Don't know."

"Sam, can I ask you something, and will you promise you will be honest," Zaria said, stirring the green beans before turning to her. Samantha smiled and nodded.

"Trevor... I need to know. I need to know if he is still sleeping with Jolie?" She asked, making Sam choke on her coke.

"Jolie? Officer Jolie Watkins?"

"Yeah, Cole knew. I thought you knew...."

"HELL NAW! I DIDN'T KNOW! THAT BITCH THERE IS NASTY! Hold on, puddin'. We are going to this here bar where our men are." She said, calling someone.

"Ma, I need for ya to come over to Trev and Ria's house... No, they're not fighting again... Why are ya outside?... This woman, I swear! Gonna hav me call her, and she was here already," Samantha said as her mom knocked on the door.

"I don't know why you were knocking foe when we knew it was you?"

"Hey, Miss. Carter."

"I told ya ass it's either Mom or Sandy none of that damn Miss. Carter shit. What yall want with me?"

"Babysit... Thank ya, sugar and bye," Samantha said, pulling Zaria up the stairs to change. Then both ran out the door and straight to the bar where the men were at.

"I hate to ask ya this, but can I trust ya not to kill anyone," Sam said, making Zaria stare at her, nodding slowly. Samantha smiled as she got out of the car, and Ria followed, walking into the bar finding the three men and some others on the far end of the place.

"Give him a lap dance Jolie. He would love that," One of the men said. "Show him what he's been missing!"

"Whatcha ya boys doing?" Sam asked, making all of them jump out of their skins as they turned slowly and looked back at them with shy smiles while Samantha smacked the shit out of Cole.


"I was going to stop the shit, Sam. Darl..."

"Samantha, can you take me back home?" Zaria said, cutting him off. She wasn't about to act a fool or allow Maria to try and surface. Ria, just wanted to get as far as she could from Trevor right now.




"Are you sure ya fine? You can stay at Cole and my place for the night if ya like."

"Thanks, Sam. I will be fine. Shit, I will just sleep in my old room," Zaria told Sam and her Mom as they walked to the door. Sandy informed her that she had finished cooking for her, and she had fed Ava, who was sound asleep. Ria smiled, hugging them both then going to her old room after she showered, getting into the bed as her door opened.

"Zaria, why are you doing this? I wasn't cheatin' ya walked in at the wrong moment. I have even looked at another woman in god knows when...."

"Tell me you love me...."


"Say you love me... SAY YOU FUCKING LOVE ME DAMNIT!" Zaria said, facing him now. None of the other stuff mattered for the past six months. She's been telling him she loves him, and all besides getting was a 'me too' or 'the same.' None of what she wanted to hear.

"Darling, you know I do...."

"Well, say it... SAY IT OR GET THE FUCK UP OUT OF MY FACE TREVOR!" She yelled, pushing him back. Trevor sighed, grabbing her hand, pulling her to him, kissing her hard, but she pushed him away.

"That isn't what I asked for. Say you love me, Trevor... please," She said as he sighed, nodding his head.

"I love ya. I love only you. The only people I ever loved was besides Owen, Cole, and Samantha was taken from me. I never said them words to anyone after that. I'm telling you now I love ya, and nothing will change that. I love all of you and every part and will protect you even that means I hav to go down wit or for ya."

My Beautiful PsychoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon