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Zaria sat in the hotel room, staring at the corner of the room at the bloody figure hiding in the dark. She was scared to move and didn't understand why on earth did Trevor leave her alone. Yeah, they have to eat, but they could have very well called room service. Now she was stuck in a room with her dead mom staring at her.

"Why won't you leave me alone?" Ria asked. The figure just stared. Zaria closed her eyes, rocking back and forward, humming to her, hoping that she would go away.

"Zaria, don't you miss your Mama? You know what to do?" She said, pointing to the knife sitting on the table. Ria quickly turned around only to have the woman in her face screaming do it.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" She yelled. The figure only laughed, touching her leg. Zaria screamed, jumping from the bed as she quickly ran to the door. She knew Trevor told her to stay in the room, but it was no way in hell she was staying in there with this woman or whatever it was. Without thinking, she was up and out of the room, trying her best not to look back as she made it to the elevator. Soon as the door closed, she was regretting her decision.

"Z-Zaria!" A creepy voice rang out from the corner. It was something that you would hear in a horror movie. Ria quickly closed her eyes as Lisa step towards her, begging for her to go away. She knew that she was crazy, but this was crazy on a whole new level of crazy for her. Ria was used to seeing things, but never once did they talk to her.

"D-do I-it!"

"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE, LISA!" Zaria yelled, holding her hands over her ears as she squeezed her eyes shut, suddenly feeling a hand on her shoulder.


"MISS... MISS, CALM DOWN!" A lady said, forcing Ria to open her eyes. A woman around her complexion was standing in front of her with two white women on her sides. All of them look at her with concern.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," She said, looking about the elevator taking a deep breath noticing there was no sign of her mom. Zaria quickly looked back in the woman's face as she turned back to her. "Sorry, I don't do good with scary movies by myself. I start seeing things everywhere I turn." Zaria said, making the women nod, and before either of them could ask another question, she was up and out of the elevator.




Trevor sighed, not knowing it would take that fucking long to go down the road for pizza. He didn't want shit that the hotel had to offer that night, and Zaria kept whining about fucking pizza, but he didn't want to take her back out of the room after the little display in the truck a few hours ago. Sighing, he walked back into their hotel room, finding it trashed.

The covers from the bed were on the floor. Both lamps were smashed, and some of the pictures from the wall all were directed to the right corner of the room. Trevor wanted to fucking scream, knowing he was about to have to pay for this shit.

"ZARIA! WHAT THE FUC..." He yelled, walking in the bathroom, stopping himself mid-sentence, realizing that she wasn't there or the room. Out of impulse, he threw the pizza on the bed, running out the door. He had to find her before she fucking killed someone.

'What the fuck have I gotten myself into?' He whispered to himself as he passed a group of women laughing and talking. It was a long shot, but he stopped them to ask them had they seen Zaria.

"Howdy, ladies. I hate to bother ya, but I was wondering, hav either of ya ladies saw my dear wife?"

"You have to tell us what she looks like, honey," One of the ladies said, making Trevor stare at her for a moment. He nodded as he started to talk.

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