𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏| 14

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"Good Morning Zaria. I'm Raelynn, your nurse for the morning."

"I don't like you," Ria said, making the woman stop looking over to her. She knew the nurse from the day before said she wouldn't talk, but this morning she was vocal. Raelynn sigh and nodded to Zaria.

"Would you like another nurse to be assigned to you, Zaria?"

"She will be just fine, Raelynn. Zaria is just moody this morning. Them there pills got her emotions all over the place. Ria, if ya want your husband to visit you today, you will be on your best behavior ya hear me." Owen said, standing in the door. Ria rolled her eyes, turning back to the wall as Raelynn placed a cup of pills in her face.

"One of those pills is making me sick."

"Zaria, neither one of those pills is making you sick. You just don't want to take the damn things," Owen said as the nurse looked between the two. Owen quickly realized she was putting two and two together that he and Ria knew each other.

"Raelynn, it would be best if you kept this between us. Would ya?"

"I saw and heard nothing, Dr. Johnson. I hav to ask, are you related?"

"Hell no! That asshole is nowhere related to me. He's just a man I wished I never meet and my husband's best friend," Zaria said, making Raelynn laugh and Owen glare at her.

"There's no need to be rude, Ria. Just for that, I should tell ya ass no visitors for today," He said, trying to get a reaction out of Zaria. Instead, the girl turned back to the wall humming to herself. Owen had to break that before someone over his head came in, sending her to the mental hospital for more evaluations.




"Are you going to talk to me today, Ria? How about you tell me something about Sky?"

'How about you suck my dick?' Zaria said. Owen's head tilted over to the side, noticing that her voice was a bit different. It was the first time she talked to him like this, but it was a first for him to really notice this was no long Zaria.

"Let me guess Zaria is sleeping."

'And you call yourself a psychiatrist. You are shit, Owen! Just a sad excuse of a man that probably had Mommy issues.' She said as Owen stared at her. He was pretty sure this was the personality in control of the killing she was angry. But at what?

"Tell me do you have a name, or should I call you Zaria .2?"

She laughed but would never turn away from the wall. Owen wanted her to look at him, but he could force her. Plus, he knew better than to touch her in this stage, not knowing what she was capable of.

"Look at me, Ria."

'Ria isn't here!'

"Well, tell me what I can call you then."

'Why should I tell you my name? What are you going to do? Call a priest? Tell him I'm possessed? What if I told you my name was Satan? What would you do?'

"Why are you so angry?" Owen said. Zaria turned just a little, only for him to see the side of her face. He could see the pain in it. "Did someone hurt you, Ria?"

'I'M NOT FUCKING RIA! ZARIA IS WEAK! FUCKING WEAK! You don't understand she needs me. She needs me....'

"Why does she needs you?"

'Why do you care?'

"Because I want to help Zaria. Do you not see Trev, Cole, and I are here to help Ria. We can't do that if you don't allow her to get the help she needs. That starts with you trusting me too and telling me your name."

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