𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆 | 9

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Zaria had another one of her sleepless nights each time she thought the voice was gone. It always found its way back. Normally Ava helped with that caring for the small baby did wonders for Zaria, and she was growing on Trevor. That was when he was at home. Lately, Trev was always gone, and it pissed off Zaria, which she didn't understand why. Then again, she did. He promised to help her only to throw her on Owen, and all he wanted to do was talk about her childhood.

Tonight, Ria laid in the bed with Ava on her chest, trying her best to ignore the voice telling her to kill. Hell, she just wanted to be normal and stay here with Trevor, and Ava made her feel normal even if he wasn't around like he promised. Finally sighing to herself, Zaria walked the small baby back to her room with Buster following close behind. From there, she decided to take a walk around the farm to clear her mind if she could.

"Buster, stay!" Ria told the dog. Instead, his head tilted over to the side and ran straight out the door like she didn't say shit. Buster didn't stop until he noticed that Zaria wasn't following him. Only then he stopped to turn and bark for her to follow. It was something she and the dog did a lot, especially when Trevor was home like tonight. Except it was out cold.

The one thing Zaria loved about living on Trevor's land was the trees. She loved to hear the wind blow through them. To her, it was always like a song. Tonight, they were dancing within the wind as she walked along the path that led to the lake. Buster seemed to enjoy the breeze because his tongue hung out his mouth as he prowled down the trail until they heard a noise. Zaria didn't understand why she decided not to bring a weapon with her tonight, but the sound caused her to stop in her tracks.

"Buster, stop!" She whispered, yelled. She wasn't about to let him get killed then have Trevor all down her throat. Although she would be upset, Buster was more of her dog then his lately, and Ria couldn't lie. She loved him like he was her child. Almost just as much as Ava. Zaria stood in place as she tried to pinpoint the sound and what direction it was coming from when Buster let out a howl, and a dark figure came charging at her.

Zaria turned on her heels to run, but it was a little too late as the person grabbed her, forcing Ria to the ground with all their might. She could tell it was a woman from the scent of the perfume and hair sticking out from under the hood. Ria first thought was Amy. The bitch had it out for her and probably would do anything to get her away from Trevor. The woman was obsessed with him, and it showed.

"GET OFF ME, YOU CRAZY FUCKING BITCH!" Zaria yelled as Buster started to attack the woman's leg. At this point, she saw the knife in her hand, which made Ria panic. "BUSTER, NO RUN! GET TREVOR!" She yelled, why tell the dog to get Trevor? She didn't know, but it seemed to work. He listened after getting one more bite in before running back down the path.

Still struggling with the woman with one hand, Zaria used her free hand to search the ground for some type of weapon. A rock, branch, or something to hit the bitch over the head with. To tell the truth, she seen why they say that crazy people were strong. It made her wonder if she was like this when she wasn't herself. It was hard to contain this woman, and she was making it a point for Ria not to see her face.

"Look, you can have Trevor; I don't want him. The only thing we share is our daughter...."

"DAUGHTER!"She yelled. "He has a child with you?" She said. Uh-oh, this wasn't Amy. Zaria's mind screamed as the voice in the back of her head yelled, 'Stupid bitch why did you open your mouth?' At least this caught her off guard, giving Zaria the time to see a rock lying about four inches away from her reach as Ria quickly went for it.




Trevor tossed and turned in his sleep. Something was keeping him awake, and for some reason, his mind kept wandering back to Zaria. Slowly he lifted himself from the bed walking to Ava's room, peeking in on the sleeping baby. As always, she was on her belly, although they laid her on her back sound asleep. Quietly he tiptoed over to the crib kissing Ava's little forehead. Trev can't help it. He was getting attached to this small human loving her like she was his own. Over the past weeks, each time she cried or made a sound, he found himself picking her up, caring and catering to her every need as he did Zaria.

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