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"Owen, I need a favor," Trevor said into the phone soon as he shut the door to the bathroom. Owen was a good friend of his best friend, and he knew he could trust him. It was clear to him that Zaria needed more help than what he could give her. The woman was seeing her dead mother on top of the voice she was hearing in her head.

"Wit what? Trev, if it's some fucked up shit... I S'wanee (swear) if it's sum shit like it was last...."

"It's not. It's a gal I met during my stay in Tampa. She in need of some help... psychiatrist wise."

"Well, I'll be. Ya always knew how to pick up the crazy ones."

"Owen enough... Ya, listen here, you can't tell anyone what I'm about what you learn about her. Ya hav promise."

"Kay, now I'm scared. Trevor, what ya on got your ass in?"

"I will tell you more once you meet her, but just say her roof ain't nailed tight."

"Where are you now?"

"Tallahassee. I should be home by the end of the day tomorrow," Trevor said as Zaria walked from the bathroom. She had a towel wrapped around her body as she stood in the middle of the hotel room floor, staring at him like he was crazy.

"Owen, I hav to go. My house tomorrow if sumthing change I'll call ya," He was hanging up the phone before Owen could breathe another word.

"Was that your boyfriend?"

"What? I think them there pills may have made you lost some more of your Easter eggs Peach. I don't go swinging that way," He chuckled, going into the bathroom to shower. After about fifteen, Trevor came out to Ria, sitting on the bed still in the towel, looking confused.

"Ya gonna sleep in that towel?"

"No... I need a shirt. Umm, I normally only sleep in my panties, and that all I have on. Could I borrow one of your shirts, please?" She asked.

"Eager to get in my clothes, I see," Trevor laughed, going to his bag, getting one of his white tee handing it to her with a smile. Zaria stared before taking the shirt but hurried, putting it on over the towel then jumping under the covers as he went to sit in the chair by the door.

"What are you doing?"

"Sleeping, darling."

"I don't bite. Or is it the reason that I almost killed you? No, it's because I'm seeing my Mom, isn't it?" She said, making him shaking his head as he threw his legs over the chair laying back as he put his hat over his face closing his eyes. Before he knew it, Ria was pulling the hat from his face glaring at him crazy.

"Got damnit Ria ya scared the piss outta my ass. There's no reason for ya to be that quiet."

"I'm a serial killer, did you forget. Now get your ass over in the bed. Your neck is good going to be killing you in the morning if you sleep like that," She said, sassing him as she stood there with her hands on her hips. Trevor sighed, sitting up before towering of her short figure. She quickly stepped away, maybe because he was too close, but he ignored it, walking over to the bed.

"Ya happy now, Missy?" He asked as he laid pillows between the two. Zaria smiled nodded, coming back to the bed lying down.




The next morning Trevor woke to Ria's arm thrown over his chest and her leg around his waist as the rain hit the window. He was almost scared to move until he noticed the blood on her feet and hands.

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